Vocal Bursts Type Prediction

155 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 1 datasets

predict the type of given vocal bursts


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Most implemented papers

Preconditioner on Matrix Lie Group for SGD

lixilinx/psgd_torch ICLR 2019

We study two types of preconditioners and preconditioned stochastic gradient descent (SGD) methods in a unified framework.

Predicting the Type and Target of Offensive Posts in Social Media

idontflow/olid NAACL 2019

In particular, we model the task hierarchically, identifying the type and the target of offensive messages in social media.

Type-Driven Automated Learning with Lale

IBM/lale 24 May 2019

Machine-learning automation tools, ranging from humble grid-search to hyperopt, auto-sklearn, and TPOT, help explore large search spaces of possible pipelines.

Sherlock: A Deep Learning Approach to Semantic Data Type Detection

mitmedialab/sherlock-project 25 May 2019

Correctly detecting the semantic type of data columns is crucial for data science tasks such as automated data cleaning, schema matching, and data discovery.

BreizhCrops: A Time Series Dataset for Crop Type Mapping

TUM-LMF/BreizhCrops 28 May 2019

We present Breizhcrops, a novel benchmark dataset for the supervised classification of field crops from satellite time series.

FedDANE: A Federated Newton-Type Method

litian96/FedDANE 7 Jan 2020

Federated learning aims to jointly learn statistical models over massively distributed remote devices.

Towards Conversational Recommendation over Multi-Type Dialogs

PaddlePaddle/models ACL 2020

We propose a new task of conversational recommendation over multi-type dialogs, where the bots can proactively and naturally lead a conversation from a non-recommendation dialog (e. g., QA) to a recommendation dialog, taking into account user's interests and feedback.

VAEM: a Deep Generative Model for Heterogeneous Mixed Type Data

microsoft/VAEM NeurIPS 2020

Deep generative models often perform poorly in real-world applications due to the heterogeneity of natural data sets.

Injecting Entity Types into Entity-Guided Text Generation

wyu97/InjType EMNLP 2021

Our model has a multi-step decoder that injects the entity types into the process of entity mention generation.

DONE: Distributed Approximate Newton-type Method for Federated Edge Learning

dual-grp/DONE 10 Dec 2020

In this work, we propose DONE, a distributed approximate Newton-type algorithm with fast convergence rate for communication-efficient federated edge learning.