Search Results for author: András Borsos

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

Estimating the impact of supply chain network contagion on financial stability

no code implementations4 May 2023 Zlata Tabachová, Christian Diem, András Borsos, Csaba Burger, Stefan Thurner

Within a multi-layer network framework we define a financial systemic risk index (FSRI) for every firm, quantifying these expected financial losses caused by its own- and all the secondary defaulting loans caused by supply chain network (SCN) shock propagation.

Estimating the loss of economic predictability from aggregating firm-level production networks

no code implementations22 Feb 2023 Christian Diem, András Borsos, Tobias Reisch, János Kertész, Stefan Thurner

Using a nearly complete nationwide FPN, containing 243, 399 Hungarian firms with 1, 104, 141 supplier-buyer-relations we self-consistently compare production losses on the aggregated industry-level production network (IPN) and the granular FPN.

Firm-level supply chains to minimize unemployment and economic losses in rapid decarbonization scenarios

no code implementations17 Feb 2023 Johannes Stangl, András Borsos, Christian Diem, Tobias Reisch, Stefan Thurner

We determined that for an emissions reduction of 20%, the most effective strategy leads to losses of about 2% of jobs and 2% of economic output.

Quantifying firm-level economic systemic risk from nation-wide supply networks

no code implementations15 Apr 2021 Christian Diem, András Borsos, Tobias Reisch, János Kertész, Stefan Thurner

While knowing the impact of individual companies on national economies is a prerequisite for efficient risk management, the quantitative assessment of the involved economic systemic risks (ESR) is hitherto practically non-existent, mainly because of a lack of fine-grained data in combination with coherent methods.


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