Search Results for author: Enxu Li

Found 7 papers, 1 papers with code

MemorySeg: Online LiDAR Semantic Segmentation with a Latent Memory

no code implementations ICCV 2023 Enxu Li, Sergio Casas, Raquel Urtasun

To address this challenge, we propose a novel framework for semantic segmentation of a temporal sequence of LiDAR point clouds that utilizes a memory network to store, update and retrieve past information.

LIDAR Semantic Segmentation Segmentation +1

4D-Former: Multimodal 4D Panoptic Segmentation

no code implementations2 Nov 2023 Ali Athar, Enxu Li, Sergio Casas, Raquel Urtasun

4D panoptic segmentation is a challenging but practically useful task that requires every point in a LiDAR point-cloud sequence to be assigned a semantic class label, and individual objects to be segmented and tracked over time.

4D Panoptic Segmentation Panoptic Segmentation +2

MoSS: Monocular Shape Sensing for Continuum Robots

1 code implementation2 Mar 2023 Chengnan Shentu, Enxu Li, Chaojun Chen, Puspita Triana Dewi, David B. Lindell, Jessica Burgner-Kahrs

A two-segment tendon-driven continuum robot is used for data collection and testing, demonstrating accurate (mean shape error of 0. 91 mm, or 0. 36% of robot length) and real-time (70 fps) shape sensing on real-world data.


CPSeg: Cluster-free Panoptic Segmentation of 3D LiDAR Point Clouds

no code implementations2 Nov 2021 Enxu Li, Ryan Razani, YiXuan Xu, Bingbing Liu

A fast and accurate panoptic segmentation system for LiDAR point clouds is crucial for autonomous driving vehicles to understand the surrounding objects and scenes.

Autonomous Driving Clustering +5

SMAC-Seg: LiDAR Panoptic Segmentation via Sparse Multi-directional Attention Clustering

no code implementations31 Aug 2021 Enxu Li, Ryan Razani, YiXuan Xu, Liu Bingbing

Thus, we propose to use a novel centroid-aware repel loss as an additional term to effectively supervise the network to differentiate each object cluster with its neighbours.

Autonomous Driving Clustering +4

GP-S3Net: Graph-based Panoptic Sparse Semantic Segmentation Network

no code implementations ICCV 2021 Ryan Razani, Ran Cheng, Enxu Li, Ehsan Taghavi, Yuan Ren, Liu Bingbing

GP-S3Net is a proposal-free approach in which no object proposals are needed to identify the objects in contrast to conventional two-stage panoptic systems, where a detection network is incorporated for capturing instance information.

Panoptic Segmentation Segmentation

(AF)2-S3Net: Attentive Feature Fusion with Adaptive Feature Selection for Sparse Semantic Segmentation Network

no code implementations8 Feb 2021 Ran Cheng, Ryan Razani, Ehsan Taghavi, Enxu Li, Bingbing Liu

Autonomous robotic systems and self driving cars rely on accurate perception of their surroundings as the safety of the passengers and pedestrians is the top priority.

3D Semantic Segmentation Decoder +4

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