Search Results for author: Galen Reeves

Found 12 papers, 3 papers with code

Approximate Message Passing for the Matrix Tensor Product Model

no code implementations27 Jun 2023 Riccardo Rossetti, Galen Reeves

We propose and analyze an approximate message passing (AMP) algorithm for the matrix tensor product model, which is a generalization of the standard spiked matrix models that allows for multiple types of pairwise observations over a collection of latent variables.

k-Sliced Mutual Information: A Quantitative Study of Scalability with Dimension

no code implementations17 Jun 2022 Ziv Goldfeld, Kristjan Greenewald, Theshani Nuradha, Galen Reeves

However, a quantitative characterization of how SMI itself and estimation rates thereof depend on the ambient dimension, which is crucial to the understanding of scalability, remain obscure.

Fundamental limits for rank-one matrix estimation with groupwise heteroskedasticity

1 code implementation22 Jun 2021 Joshua K. Behne, Galen Reeves

These results are based on a novel reduction from the low-rank matrix tensor product model (with homogeneous noise) to a rank-one model with heteroskedastic noise.

Clustering Community Detection

Convergence of Gaussian-smoothed optimal transport distance with sub-gamma distributions and dependent samples

no code implementations28 Feb 2021 Yixing Zhang, Xiuyuan Cheng, Galen Reeves

The Gaussian-smoothed optimal transport (GOT) framework, recently proposed by Goldfeld et al., scales to high dimensions in estimation and provides an alternative to entropy regularization.

The Gaussian equivalence of generative models for learning with shallow neural networks

1 code implementation25 Jun 2020 Sebastian Goldt, Bruno Loureiro, Galen Reeves, Florent Krzakala, Marc Mézard, Lenka Zdeborová

Here, we go beyond this simple paradigm by studying the performance of neural networks trained on data drawn from pre-trained generative models.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

Information-Theoretic Limits for the Matrix Tensor Product

no code implementations22 May 2020 Galen Reeves

This paper studies a high-dimensional inference problem involving the matrix tensor product of random matrices.

Stochastic Block Model

Information-theoretic limits of a multiview low-rank symmetric spiked matrix model

no code implementations16 May 2020 Jean Barbier, Galen Reeves

We consider a generalization of an important class of high-dimensional inference problems, namely spiked symmetric matrix models, often used as probabilistic models for principal component analysis.

Gaussian Approximation of Quantization Error for Estimation from Compressed Data

no code implementations9 Jan 2020 Alon Kipnis, Galen Reeves

We show that the Wasserstein distance between a bitrate-$R$ compressed version of $X$ and its observation under an AWGN-channel of signal-to-noise ratio $2^{2R}-1$ is sub-linear in the problem dimension.


Mutual Information in Community Detection with Covariate Information and Correlated Networks

no code implementations11 Dec 2019 Vaishakhi Mayya, Galen Reeves

We study the problem of community detection when there is covariate information about the node labels and one observes multiple correlated networks.

Community Detection

Approximating posteriors with high-dimensional nuisance parameters via integrated rotated Gaussian approximation

1 code implementation15 Sep 2019 Willem van den Boom, Galen Reeves, David B. Dunson

Posterior computation for high-dimensional data with many parameters can be challenging.

Computation Methodology

Additivity of Information in Multilayer Networks via Additive Gaussian Noise Transforms

no code implementations12 Oct 2017 Galen Reeves

When applied to the special case of models with multivariate Gaussian channels our method is rigorous and has close connections to free probability theory for random matrices.

Classification and Reconstruction of High-Dimensional Signals from Low-Dimensional Features in the Presence of Side Information

no code implementations1 Dec 2014 Francesco Renna, Liming Wang, Xin Yuan, Jianbo Yang, Galen Reeves, Robert Calderbank, Lawrence Carin, Miguel R. D. Rodrigues

These conditions, which are reminiscent of the well-known Slepian-Wolf and Wyner-Ziv conditions, are a function of the number of linear features extracted from the signal of interest, the number of linear features extracted from the side information signal, and the geometry of these signals and their interplay.

General Classification

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