Search Results for author: Ibrahim Ahmed

Found 7 papers, 0 papers with code

A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Robust Supervisory Control of UAVs Under Disturbances

no code implementations21 May 2023 Ibrahim Ahmed, Marcos Quinones-Grueiro, Gautam Biswas

In this work, we present an approach to supervisory reinforcement learning control for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).


Model-based adaptation for sample efficient transfer in reinforcement learning control of parameter-varying systems

no code implementations20 May 2023 Ibrahim Ahmed, Marcos Quinones-Grueiro, Gautam Biswas

Instead, we propose a model-based transformation, such that when actions from a control policy are applied to the target system, a positive transfer is achieved.

Model Predictive Control reinforcement-learning +2

Answer Fast: Accelerating BERT on the Tensor Streaming Processor

no code implementations22 Jun 2022 Ibrahim Ahmed, Sahil Parmar, Matthew Boyd, Michael Beidler, Kris Kang, Bill Liu, Kyle Roach, John Kim, Dennis Abts

Transformers have become a predominant machine learning workload, they are not only the de-facto standard for natural language processing tasks, but they are also being deployed in other domains such as vision and speech recognition.

Machine Translation speech-recognition +1

Performance-Weighed Policy Sampling for Meta-Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations10 Dec 2020 Ibrahim Ahmed, Marcos Quinones-Grueiro, Gautam Biswas

The enhancement is applied when a new fault occurs, to re-initialize the parameters of a new RL policy that achieves faster adaption with a small number of samples of system behavior with the new fault.

Meta-Learning Meta Reinforcement Learning +2

Complementary Meta-Reinforcement Learning for Fault-Adaptive Control

no code implementations26 Sep 2020 Ibrahim Ahmed, Marcos Quinones-Grueiro, Gautam Biswas

This contrasts with MAML, where the controller derives intermediate policies anew, sampled from a distribution of similar systems, to initialize a new policy.

Meta-Learning Meta Reinforcement Learning +2

Fault-Tolerant Control of Degrading Systems with On-Policy Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations10 Aug 2020 Ibrahim Ahmed, Marcos Quiñones-Grueiro, Gautam Biswas

We propose a novel adaptive reinforcement learning control approach for fault tolerant control of degrading systems that is not preceded by a fault detection and diagnosis step.

Fault Detection reinforcement-learning +1

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