Search Results for author: Misha Kilmer

Found 7 papers, 1 papers with code

Parametric Level-sets Enhanced To Improve Reconstruction (PaLEnTIR)

no code implementations21 Apr 2022 Ege Ozsar, Misha Kilmer, Eric Miller, Eric de Sturler, Arvind Saibaba

We introduce PaLEnTIR, a significantly enhanced parametric level-set (PaLS) method addressing the restoration and reconstruction of piecewise constant objects.


Stable Tensor Neural Networks for Rapid Deep Learning

no code implementations15 Nov 2018 Elizabeth Newman, Lior Horesh, Haim Avron, Misha Kilmer

To exemplify the elegant, matrix-mimetic algebraic structure of our $t$-NNs, we expand on recent work (Haber and Ruthotto, 2017) which interprets deep neural networks as discretizations of non-linear differential equations and introduces stable neural networks which promote superior generalization.

Image classification using local tensor singular value decompositions

no code implementations29 Jun 2017 Elizabeth Newman, Misha Kilmer, Lior Horesh

From linear classifiers to neural networks, image classification has been a widely explored topic in mathematics, and many algorithms have proven to be effective classifiers.

Classification General Classification +3

Multilinear Subspace Clustering

no code implementations21 Dec 2015 Eric Kernfeld, Nathan Majumder, Shuchin Aeron, Misha Kilmer

In this paper we present a new model and an algorithm for unsupervised clustering of 2-D data such as images.


Clustering multi-way data: a novel algebraic approach

no code implementations22 Dec 2014 Eric Kernfeld, Shuchin Aeron, Misha Kilmer

In this paper, we develop a method for unsupervised clustering of two-way (matrix) data by combining two recent innovations from different fields: the Sparse Subspace Clustering (SSC) algorithm [10], which groups points coming from a union of subspaces into their respective subspaces, and the t-product [18], which was introduced to provide a matrix-like multiplication for third order tensors.

Clustering Image Clustering

Novel methods for multilinear data completion and de-noising based on tensor-SVD

2 code implementations CVPR 2014 Zemin Zhang, Gregory Ely, Shuchin Aeron, Ning Hao, Misha Kilmer

Based on t-SVD, the notion of multilinear rank and a related tensor nuclear norm was proposed in [11] to characterize informational and structural complexity of multilinear data.

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