Search Results for author: Niklas Lauffer

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

Welfare Diplomacy: Benchmarking Language Model Cooperation

1 code implementation13 Oct 2023 Gabriel Mukobi, Hannah Erlebach, Niklas Lauffer, Lewis Hammond, Alan Chan, Jesse Clifton

The growing capabilities and increasingly widespread deployment of AI systems necessitate robust benchmarks for measuring their cooperative capabilities.

Benchmarking Language Modelling

Who Needs to Know? Minimal Knowledge for Optimal Coordination

no code implementations15 Jun 2023 Niklas Lauffer, Ameesh Shah, Micah Carroll, Michael Dennis, Stuart Russell

We apply this algorithm to analyze the strategically relevant information for tasks in both a standard and a partially observable version of the Overcooked environment.

No-Regret Learning in Dynamic Stackelberg Games

no code implementations10 Feb 2022 Niklas Lauffer, Mahsa Ghasemi, Abolfazl Hashemi, Yagiz Savas, Ufuk Topcu

The regret of the proposed learning algorithm is independent of the size of the state space and polynomial in the rest of the parameters of the game.


Constrained Active Classification Using Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes

no code implementations10 Aug 2020 Bo Wu, Niklas Lauffer, Mohamadreza Ahmadi, Suda Bharadwaj, Zhe Xu, Ufuk Topcu

The proposed framework relies on assigning a classification belief (a probability distribution) to the attributes of interest.

Attribute Classification +1

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