Search Results for author: Sander Bohte

Found 9 papers, 3 papers with code

Efficient Uncertainty Estimation in Spiking Neural Networks via MC-dropout

no code implementations20 Apr 2023 Tao Sun, Bojian Yin, Sander Bohte

Spiking neural networks (SNNs) have gained attention as models of sparse and event-driven communication of biological neurons, and as such have shown increasing promise for energy-efficient applications in neuromorphic hardware.

Autonomous Vehicles Decision Making +1

NeuroBench: A Framework for Benchmarking Neuromorphic Computing Algorithms and Systems

1 code implementation10 Apr 2023 Jason Yik, Korneel Van den Berghe, Douwe den Blanken, Younes Bouhadjar, Maxime Fabre, Paul Hueber, Denis Kleyko, Noah Pacik-Nelson, Pao-Sheng Vincent Sun, Guangzhi Tang, Shenqi Wang, Biyan Zhou, Soikat Hasan Ahmed, George Vathakkattil Joseph, Benedetto Leto, Aurora Micheli, Anurag Kumar Mishra, Gregor Lenz, Tao Sun, Zergham Ahmed, Mahmoud Akl, Brian Anderson, Andreas G. Andreou, Chiara Bartolozzi, Arindam Basu, Petrut Bogdan, Sander Bohte, Sonia Buckley, Gert Cauwenberghs, Elisabetta Chicca, Federico Corradi, Guido de Croon, Andreea Danielescu, Anurag Daram, Mike Davies, Yigit Demirag, Jason Eshraghian, Tobias Fischer, Jeremy Forest, Vittorio Fra, Steve Furber, P. Michael Furlong, William Gilpin, Aditya Gilra, Hector A. Gonzalez, Giacomo Indiveri, Siddharth Joshi, Vedant Karia, Lyes Khacef, James C. Knight, Laura Kriener, Rajkumar Kubendran, Dhireesha Kudithipudi, Yao-Hong Liu, Shih-Chii Liu, Haoyuan Ma, Rajit Manohar, Josep Maria Margarit-Taulé, Christian Mayr, Konstantinos Michmizos, Dylan Muir, Emre Neftci, Thomas Nowotny, Fabrizio Ottati, Ayca Ozcelikkale, Priyadarshini Panda, Jongkil Park, Melika Payvand, Christian Pehle, Mihai A. Petrovici, Alessandro Pierro, Christoph Posch, Alpha Renner, Yulia Sandamirskaya, Clemens JS Schaefer, André van Schaik, Johannes Schemmel, Samuel Schmidgall, Catherine Schuman, Jae-sun Seo, Sadique Sheik, Sumit Bam Shrestha, Manolis Sifalakis, Amos Sironi, Matthew Stewart, Kenneth Stewart, Terrence C. Stewart, Philipp Stratmann, Jonathan Timcheck, Nergis Tömen, Gianvito Urgese, Marian Verhelst, Craig M. Vineyard, Bernhard Vogginger, Amirreza Yousefzadeh, Fatima Tuz Zohora, Charlotte Frenkel, Vijay Janapa Reddi

The NeuroBench framework introduces a common set of tools and systematic methodology for inclusive benchmark measurement, delivering an objective reference framework for quantifying neuromorphic approaches in both hardware-independent (algorithm track) and hardware-dependent (system track) settings.


Sensory complexity and global gain in a DCNN codetermine optimal arousal state

no code implementations NeurIPS Workshop SVRHM 2020 Lynn Katrina Annika Sörensen, Heleen A. Slagter, H. Steven Scholte, Sander Bohte

By leveraging the full observability of our model, we reconcile conflicting findings from previous studies on sensory processing, by showing that both linear as well inverted-U-shaped gain profiles emerge in the interaction of hierarchical sensory processing and global arousal changes.

An image representation based convolutional network for DNA classification

1 code implementation ICLR 2018 Bojian Yin, Marleen Balvert, Davide Zambrano, Alexander Schönhuth, Sander Bohte

The folding structure of the DNA molecule combined with helper molecules, also referred to as the chromatin, is highly relevant for the functional properties of DNA.

Classification General Classification

A Deep Predictive Coding Network for Learning Latent Representations

no code implementations ICLR 2018 Shirin Dora, Cyriel Pennartz, Sander Bohte

In this paper, we describe an algorithm to build a deep generative model using predictive coding that can be used to infer latent representations about the stimuli received from external environment.

Gating out sensory noise in a spike-based Long Short-Term Memory network

no code implementations ICLR 2018 Davide Zambrano, Isabella Pozzi, Roeland Nusselder, Sander Bohte

These adaptive spiking neurons implement an adaptive form of sigma-delta coding to convert internally computed analog activation values to spike-trains.

Efficient Computation in Adaptive Artificial Spiking Neural Networks

no code implementations13 Oct 2017 Davide Zambrano, Roeland Nusselder, H. Steven Scholte, Sander Bohte

Adaptive spike-time coding additionally allows for the dynamic control of neural coding precision: we show how a simple model of arousal in AdSNNs further halves the average required firing rate and this notion naturally extends to other forms of attention.

Conditional Time Series Forecasting with Convolutional Neural Networks

3 code implementations14 Mar 2017 Anastasia Borovykh, Sander Bohte, Cornelis W. Oosterlee

The proposed network contains stacks of dilated convolutions that allow it to access a broad range of history when forecasting, a ReLU activation function and conditioning is performed by applying multiple convolutional filters in parallel to separate time series which allows for the fast processing of data and the exploitation of the correlation structure between the multivariate time series.

Time Series Time Series Forecasting

Efficient forward propagation of time-sequences in convolutional neural networks using Deep Shifting

no code implementations11 Mar 2016 Koen Groenland, Sander Bohte

When a Convolutional Neural Network is used for on-the-fly evaluation of continuously updating time-sequences, many redundant convolution operations are performed.

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