Search Results for author: Stefanos Leonardos

Found 6 papers, 2 papers with code

Exploration-Exploitation in Multi-Agent Competition: Convergence with Bounded Rationality

no code implementations NeurIPS 2021 Stefanos Leonardos, Georgios Piliouras, Kelly Spendlove

The interplay between exploration and exploitation in competitive multi-agent learning is still far from being well understood.


Global Convergence of Multi-Agent Policy Gradient in Markov Potential Games

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2021 Stefanos Leonardos, Will Overman, Ioannis Panageas, Georgios Piliouras

Counter-intuitively, insights from normal-form potential games do not carry over as MPGs can consist of settings where state-games can be zero-sum games.

Exploration-Exploitation in Multi-Agent Learning: Catastrophe Theory Meets Game Theory

no code implementations5 Dec 2020 Stefanos Leonardos, Georgios Piliouras

Exploration-exploitation is a powerful and practical tool in multi-agent learning (MAL), however, its effects are far from understood.

Q-Learning Computer Science and Game Theory Multiagent Systems Dynamical Systems 93A16, 91A26, 91A68, 58K35 G.3; J.4; F.2.2

A Peek into the Unobservable: Hidden States and Bayesian Inference for the Bitcoin and Ether Price Series

no code implementations24 Sep 2019 Constandina Koki, Stefanos Leonardos, Georgios Piliouras

Conventional financial models fail to explain the economic and monetary properties of cryptocurrencies due to the latter's dual nature: their usage as financial assets on the one side and their tight connection to the underlying blockchain structure on the other.

Bayesian Inference

On the Equilibrium Uniqueness in Cournot Competition with Demand Uncertainty

no code implementations9 Jun 2019 Stefanos Leonardos, Costis Melolidakis

We revisit the linear Cournot model with uncertain demand that is studied in Lagerl\"of (2006)* and provide sufficient conditions for equilibrium uniqueness that complement the existing results.

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