A Romanian Treebank Annotated with Verbal Multiword Expressions
In this paper we present a new version of the Romanian journalistic treebank annotated with verbal multiword expressions of four types: idioms, light verb constructions, reflexive verbs and inherently adpositional verbs, the last type being recently added to the corpus. These types have been defined and characterized in a multilingual setting (the PARSEME guidelines for annotating verbal multiword expressions). We present the annotation methodologies and offer quantitative data about the expressions occurring in the corpus. We discuss the characteristics of these expressions, with special reference to the difficulties they raise for the automatic processing of Romanian text, as well as for human usage. Special attention is paid to the challenges in the annotation of the inherently adpositional verbs. The corpus is freely available in two formats (CUPT and RDF), as well as queryable using a SPARQL endpoint.
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