CFLOW-AD: Real-Time Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with Localization via Conditional Normalizing Flows

27 Jul 2021  ·  Denis Gudovskiy, Shun Ishizaka, Kazuki Kozuka ·

Unsupervised anomaly detection with localization has many practical applications when labeling is infeasible and, moreover, when anomaly examples are completely missing in the train data. While recently proposed models for such data setup achieve high accuracy metrics, their complexity is a limiting factor for real-time processing. In this paper, we propose a real-time model and analytically derive its relationship to prior methods. Our CFLOW-AD model is based on a conditional normalizing flow framework adopted for anomaly detection with localization. In particular, CFLOW-AD consists of a discriminatively pretrained encoder followed by a multi-scale generative decoders where the latter explicitly estimate likelihood of the encoded features. Our approach results in a computationally and memory-efficient model: CFLOW-AD is faster and smaller by a factor of 10x than prior state-of-the-art with the same input setting. Our experiments on the MVTec dataset show that CFLOW-AD outperforms previous methods by 0.36% AUROC in detection task, by 1.12% AUROC and 2.5% AUPRO in localization task, respectively. We open-source our code with fully reproducible experiments.

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Results from the Paper

Ranked #13 on Anomaly Detection on VisA (Detection AUROC metric)

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Task Dataset Model Metric Name Metric Value Global Rank Result Benchmark
Anomaly Detection MVTec AD CFLOW-AD Detection AUROC 98.26 # 40
Segmentation AUROC 98.62 # 16
Segmentation AUPRO 94.6 # 18
FPS 27 # 12
Anomaly Detection VisA CFLOW Detection AUROC 91.5 # 13
