Far-Field Speaker Recognition Benchmark Derived From The DiPCo Corpus
In this paper, we present a far-field speaker verification benchmark derived from the publicly-available DiPCo corpus. This corpus comprise three different tasks that involve enrollment and test conditions with single- and/or multi-channels recordings. The main goal of this corpus is to foster research in far-field and multi-channel text-independent speaker verification. Also, it can be used for other speaker recognition tasks such as dereverberation, denoising and speech enhancement. In addition, we release a Kaldi and SpeechBrain system to facilitate further research. And we validate the evaluation design with a single-microphone state-of-the-art speaker recognition system (i.e. ResNet-101). The results show that the proposed tasks are very challenging. And we hope these resources will inspire the speech community to develop new methods and systems for this challenging domain.
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