GR-GAN: Gradual Refinement Text-to-image Generation
A good Text-to-Image model should not only generate high quality images, but also ensure the consistency between the text and the generated image. Previous models failed to simultaneously fix both sides well. This paper proposes a Gradual Refinement Generative Adversarial Network (GR-GAN) to alleviates the problem efficiently. A GRG module is designed to generate images from low resolution to high resolution with the corresponding text constraints from coarse granularity (sentence) to fine granularity (word) stage by stage, a ITM module is designed to provide image-text matching losses at both sentence-image level and word-region level for corresponding stages. We also introduce a new metric Cross-Model Distance (CMD) for simultaneously evaluating image quality and image-text consistency. Experimental results show GR-GAN significant outperform previous models, and achieve new state-of-the-art on both FID and CMD. A detailed analysis demonstrates the efficiency of different generation stages in GR-GAN.
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