The Normal Distributions Indistinguishability Spectrum and its Application to Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning

3 Sep 2023  ·  Yun Lu, Malik Magdon-Ismail, Yu Wei, Vassilis Zikas ·

Differential Privacy (DP) (and its variants) is the most common method for machine learning (ML) on privacy-sensitive data. In big data analytics, one often uses randomized sketching/aggregation algorithms to make processing high-dimensional data tractable. Intuitively, such ML algorithms should provide some inherent privacy, yet most existing DP mechanisms do not leverage or under-utilize this inherent randomness, resulting in potentially redundant noising. The motivating question of our work is: (How) can we improve the utility of DP mechanisms for randomized ML queries, by leveraging the randomness of the query itself? Towards a (positive) answer, our key contribution is (proving) what we call the NDIS theorem, a theoretical result with several practical implications. In a nutshell, NDIS is a closed-form analytic computation for the (varepsilon,delta)-indistinguishability-spectrum (IS) of two arbitrary normal distributions N1 and N2, i.e., the optimal delta (for any given varepsilon) such that N1 and N2 are (varepsilon,delta)-close according to the DP distance. The importance of the NDIS theorem lies in that (1) it yields efficient estimators for IS, and (2) it allows us to analyze DP-mechanism with normally-distributed outputs, as well as more general mechanisms by leveraging their behavior on large inputs. We apply the NDIS theorem to derive DP mechanisms for queries with normally-distributed outputs--i.e., Gaussian Random Projections (RP)--and for more general queries--i.e., Ordinary Least Squares (OLS). Compared to existing techniques, our new DP mechanisms achieve superior privacy/utility trade-offs by leveraging the randomness of the underlying algorithms. We then apply the NDIS theorem to a data-driven DP notion--in particular relative DP introduced by Lu et al. [S&P 2024]. Our method identifies the range of (varepsilon,delta) for which no additional noising is needed.

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