2 code implementations • 18 May 2019 • Ali Jahani Amiri, Shing Yan Loo, Hong Zhang
In general, semi-supervised training is preferred as it does not suffer from the weaknesses of either supervised training, resulting from the difference in the cameras and the LiDARs field of view, or unsupervised training, resulting from the poor depth accuracy that can be recovered from a stereo pair.
Ranked #51 on Monocular Depth Estimation on KITTI Eigen split
2 code implementations • 1 Oct 2018 • Shing Yan Loo, Ali Jahani Amiri, Syamsiah Mashohor, Sai Hong Tang, Hong Zhang
Reliable feature correspondence between frames is a critical step in visual odometry (VO) and visual simultaneous localization and mapping (V-SLAM) algorithms.