Search Results for author: Lukas Hahn

Found 5 papers, 1 papers with code

Topological data analysis identifies emerging adaptive mutations in SARS-CoV-2

no code implementations14 Jun 2021 Michael Bleher, Lukas Hahn, Maximilian Neumann, Juan Angel Patino-Galindo, Mathieu Carriere, Ulrich Bauer, Raul Rabadan, Andreas Ott

By leveraging the stratification by time in sequence data, our method enables the high-resolution longitudinal analysis of topological signals of adaptation.

Topological Data Analysis

On the Robustness of Active Learning

no code implementations18 Jun 2020 Lukas Hahn, Lutz Roese-Koerner, Peet Cremer, Urs Zimmermann, Ori Maoz, Anton Kummert

Active Learning is concerned with the question of how to identify the most useful samples for a Machine Learning algorithm to be trained with.

Active Learning Diversity

Fast Object Classification and Meaningful Data Representation of Segmented Lidar Instances

no code implementations17 Jun 2020 Lukas Hahn, Frederik Hasecke, Anton Kummert

Object detection algorithms for Lidar data have seen numerous publications in recent years, reporting good results on dataset benchmarks oriented towards automotive requirements.

General Classification Object +4

FLIC: Fast Lidar Image Clustering

no code implementations1 Mar 2020 Frederik Hasecke, Lukas Hahn, Anton Kummert

Lidar sensors are widely used in various applications, ranging from scientific fields over industrial use to integration in consumer products.

Autonomous Driving Clustering +3

Fast and Reliable Architecture Selection for Convolutional Neural Networks

1 code implementation6 May 2019 Lukas Hahn, Lutz Roese-Koerner, Klaus Friedrichs, Anton Kummert

The performance of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) depends on its hyperparameters, like the number of layers, kernel sizes, or the learning rate for example.

Bayesian Optimisation BIG-bench Machine Learning +1

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