no code implementations • SIGDIAL (ACL) 2022 • Spandana Gella, Aishwarya Padmakumar, Patrick Lange, Dilek Hakkani-Tur
Embodied agents need to be able to interact in natural language – understanding task descriptions and asking appropriate follow up questions to obtain necessary information to be effective at successfully accomplishing tasks for a wide range of users.
no code implementations • 9 Aug 2023 • Hangjie Shi, Leslie Ball, Govind Thattai, Desheng Zhang, Lucy Hu, Qiaozi Gao, Suhaila Shakiah, Xiaofeng Gao, Aishwarya Padmakumar, Bofei Yang, Cadence Chung, Dinakar Guthy, Gaurav Sukhatme, Karthika Arumugam, Matthew Wen, Osman Ipek, Patrick Lange, Rohan Khanna, Shreyas Pansare, Vasu Sharma, Chao Zhang, Cris Flagg, Daniel Pressel, Lavina Vaz, Luke Dai, Prasoon Goyal, Sattvik Sahai, Shaohua Liu, Yao Lu, Anna Gottardi, Shui Hu, Yang Liu, Dilek Hakkani-Tur, Kate Bland, Heather Rocker, James Jeun, Yadunandana Rao, Michael Johnston, Akshaya Iyengar, Arindam Mandal, Prem Natarajan, Reza Ghanadan
The Alexa Prize program has empowered numerous university students to explore, experiment, and showcase their talents in building conversational agents through challenges like the SocialBot Grand Challenge and the TaskBot Challenge.
no code implementations • 10 May 2023 • Mert İnan, Aishwarya Padmakumar, Spandana Gella, Patrick Lange, Dilek Hakkani-Tur
Task planning is an important component of traditional robotics systems enabling robots to compose fine grained skills to perform more complex tasks.
1 code implementation • 20 Dec 2022 • Prakhar Gupta, Yang Liu, Di Jin, Behnam Hedayatnia, Spandana Gella, Sijia Liu, Patrick Lange, Julia Hirschberg, Dilek Hakkani-Tur
These guidelines provide information about the context they are applicable to and what should be included in the response, allowing the models to generate responses that are more closely aligned with the developer's expectations and intent.
no code implementations • 26 Sep 2022 • Spandana Gella, Aishwarya Padmakumar, Patrick Lange, Dilek Hakkani-Tur
Embodied agents need to be able to interact in natural language understanding task descriptions and asking appropriate follow up questions to obtain necessary information to be effective at successfully accomplishing tasks for a wide range of users.
3 code implementations • 1 Oct 2021 • Aishwarya Padmakumar, Jesse Thomason, Ayush Shrivastava, Patrick Lange, Anjali Narayan-Chen, Spandana Gella, Robinson Piramuthu, Gokhan Tur, Dilek Hakkani-Tur
Robots operating in human spaces must be able to engage in natural language interaction with people, both understanding and executing instructions, and using conversation to resolve ambiguity and recover from mistakes.
1 code implementation • SIGDIAL (ACL) 2021 • Kai-Hui Liang, Patrick Lange, Yoo Jung Oh, Jingwen Zhang, Yoshimi Fukuoka, Zhou Yu
To develop intervention chatbots, the first step is to understand natural language conversation strategies in human conversation.
no code implementations • ACL 2019 • Nitin Madnani, Beata Beigman Klebanov, Anastassia Loukina, Binod Gyawali, Patrick Lange, John Sabatini, Michael Flor
Literacy is crucial for functioning in modern society.
no code implementations • WS 2018 • David Pautler, Vikram Ramanarayanan, Kirby Cofino, Patrick Lange, David Suendermann-Oeft
We used the open-source multimodal dialog system HALEF to implement a small-group classroom math discussion involving Venn diagrams where a human teacher candidate has to interact with two student ECAs whose actions are controlled by the dialog system.