Dependency Parsing

322 papers with code • 14 benchmarks • 14 datasets

Dependency parsing is the task of extracting a dependency parse of a sentence that represents its grammatical structure and defines the relationships between "head" words and words, which modify those heads.


      | +-------dobj---------+
      | |                    |
nsubj | |   +------det-----+ | +-----nmod------+
+--+  | |   |              | | |               |
|  |  | |   |      +-nmod-+| | |      +-case-+ |
+  |  + |   +      +      || + |      +      | |
I  prefer  the  morning   flight  through  Denver

Relations among the words are illustrated above the sentence with directed, labeled arcs from heads to dependents (+ indicates the dependent).


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Most implemented papers

Seq2seq Dependency Parsing

bcmi220/seq2seq_parser COLING 2018

This paper presents a sequence to sequence (seq2seq) dependency parser by directly predicting the relative position of head for each given word, which therefore results in a truly end-to-end seq2seq dependency parser for the first time.

LINSPECTOR: Multilingual Probing Tasks for Word Representations

UKPLab/linspector CL 2020

We present a reusable methodology for creation and evaluation of such tests in a multilingual setting.

75 Languages, 1 Model: Parsing Universal Dependencies Universally

hyperparticle/udify IJCNLP 2019

We present UDify, a multilingual multi-task model capable of accurately predicting universal part-of-speech, morphological features, lemmas, and dependency trees simultaneously for all 124 Universal Dependencies treebanks across 75 languages.

Generalizing Natural Language Analysis through Span-relation Representations

jzbjyb/SpanRel ACL 2020

Natural language processing covers a wide variety of tasks predicting syntax, semantics, and information content, and usually each type of output is generated with specially designed architectures.

KLUE: Korean Language Understanding Evaluation

KLUE-benchmark/KLUE 20 May 2021

We introduce Korean Language Understanding Evaluation (KLUE) benchmark.

Yara Parser: A Fast and Accurate Dependency Parser

yahoo/YaraParser 23 Mar 2015

At its fastest, Yara can parse about 4000 sentences per second when in greedy mode (1 beam).

Neural End-to-End Learning for Computational Argumentation Mining

UKPLab/acl2017-neural_end2end_AM ACL 2017

Contrary to models that operate on the argument component level, we find that framing AM as dependency parsing leads to subpar performance results.

VnCoreNLP: A Vietnamese Natural Language Processing Toolkit

vncorenlp/VnCoreNLP NAACL 2018

We present an easy-to-use and fast toolkit, namely VnCoreNLP---a Java NLP annotation pipeline for Vietnamese.

Scene Graph Parsing as Dependency Parsing

Yusics/bist-parser NAACL 2018

The scene graphs generated by our learned neural dependency parser achieve an F-score similarity of 49. 67% to ground truth graphs on our evaluation set, surpassing best previous approaches by 5%.

Universal Dependency Parsing for Hindi-English Code-switching

irshadbhat/nsdp-cs NAACL 2018

We present a treebank of Hindi-English code-switching tweets under Universal Dependencies scheme and propose a neural stacking model for parsing that efficiently leverages part-of-speech tag and syntactic tree annotations in the code-switching treebank and the preexisting Hindi and English treebanks.