Hyperspectral Image Classification

93 papers with code • 8 benchmarks • 8 datasets

Hyperspectral Image Classification is a task in the field of remote sensing and computer vision. It involves the classification of pixels in hyperspectral images into different classes based on their spectral signature. Hyperspectral images contain information about the reflectance of objects in hundreds of narrow, contiguous wavelength bands, making them useful for a wide range of applications, including mineral mapping, vegetation analysis, and urban land-use mapping. The goal of this task is to accurately identify and classify different types of objects in the image, such as soil, vegetation, water, and buildings, based on their spectral properties.

( Image credit: Shorten Spatial-spectral RNN with Parallel-GRU for Hyperspectral Image Classification )


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4 papers

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Randomized Principal Component Analysis for Hyperspectral Image Classification

no code yet • 14 Mar 2024

The high-dimensional feature space of the hyperspectral imagery poses major challenges to the processing and analysis of the hyperspectral data sets.

Hybrid CNN Bi-LSTM neural network for Hyperspectral image classification

no code yet • 15 Feb 2024

Use of 3-D CNN along with 2-D CNN have shown great success for learning spatial and spectral features.

An Ultralightweight Hybrid CNN Based on Redundancy Removal for Hyperspectral Image Classification


Simultaneously, for PW-Conv, we design a spectral convolution with redundancy removal (R2Spectral-Conv).

HyperKon: A Self-Supervised Contrastive Network for Hyperspectral Image Analysis

no code yet • 26 Nov 2023

The exceptional spectral resolution of hyperspectral imagery enables material insights that are not possible with RGB or multispectral images.

DiffSpectralNet : Unveiling the Potential of Diffusion Models for Hyperspectral Image Classification

no code yet • 29 Oct 2023

First, we use an unsupervised learning framework based on the diffusion model to extract both high-level and low-level spectral-spatial features.

Deep Intrinsic Decomposition with Adversarial Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification

no code yet • 28 Oct 2023

Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been demonstrated their powerful ability to extract discriminative features for hyperspectral image classification.

MultiScale Spectral-Spatial Convolutional Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Classification

no code yet • 28 Oct 2023

Due to the powerful ability in capturing the global information, Transformer has become an alternative architecture of CNNs for hyperspectral image classification.

A Survey of Graph and Attention Based Hyperspectral Image Classification Methods for Remote Sensing Data

no code yet • 16 Oct 2023

Due to the nature of the data captured by sensors that produce HSI images, a common issue is the dimensionality of the bands that may or may not contribute to the label class distinction.

Multiview Transformer: Rethinking Spatial Information in Hyperspectral Image Classification

no code yet • 11 Oct 2023

To aggregate the multiview information, a fully-convolutional SED with a U-shape in spectral dimension is introduced to extract a multiview feature map.

Multi-Scale U-Shape MLP for Hyperspectral Image Classification

no code yet • 5 Jul 2023

Hyperspectral images have significant applications in various domains, since they register numerous semantic and spatial information in the spectral band with spatial variability of spectral signatures.