Knowledge Graphs

968 papers with code • 3 benchmarks • 41 datasets

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Zero-Shot Learning with Common Sense Knowledge Graphs

BatsResearch/zsl-kg 18 Jun 2020

Zero-shot learning relies on semantic class representations such as hand-engineered attributes or learned embeddings to predict classes without any labeled examples.

Investigating Pretrained Language Models for Graph-to-Text Generation

UKPLab/plms-graph2text EMNLP (NLP4ConvAI) 2021

We show that the PLMs BART and T5 achieve new state-of-the-art results and that task-adaptive pretraining strategies improve their performance even further.

COMET-ATOMIC 2020: On Symbolic and Neural Commonsense Knowledge Graphs

allenai/comet-atomic-2020 12 Oct 2020

Next, we show that ATOMIC 2020 is better suited for training knowledge models that can generate accurate, representative knowledge for new, unseen entities and events.

Complex Query Answering with Neural Link Predictors

uclnlp/cqd ICLR 2021

Finally, we demonstrate that it is possible to explain the outcome of our model in terms of the intermediate solutions identified for each of the complex query atoms.

A Generalization of Transformer Networks to Graphs

graphdeeplearning/graphtransformer 17 Dec 2020

This work closes the gap between the original transformer, which was designed for the limited case of line graphs, and graph neural networks, that can work with arbitrary graphs.

Efficient Relation-aware Scoring Function Search for Knowledge Graph Embedding

AutoML-4Paradigm/ERAS 22 Apr 2021

The scoring function, which measures the plausibility of triplets in knowledge graphs (KGs), is the key to ensure the excellent performance of KG embedding, and its design is also an important problem in the literature.

VOGUE: Answer Verbalization through Multi-Task Learning

endrikacupaj/VOGUE 24 Jun 2021

The VOGUE framework attempts to generate a verbalized answer using a hybrid approach through a multi-task learning paradigm.

Step by step: a hierarchical framework for multi-hop knowledge graph reasoning with reinforcement learning

CC1st/-step-by-step-mindspore Knowledge-Based Systems 2022

Due to this one-to-many dilemma, enlarged action space and ignoring logical relationship between entity and relation increase the difficulty of learning.

Think-on-Graph: Deep and Responsible Reasoning of Large Language Model on Knowledge Graph

idea-finai/tog 15 Jul 2023

Although large language models (LLMs) have achieved significant success in various tasks, they often struggle with hallucination problems, especially in scenarios requiring deep and responsible reasoning.

Benchmarking the Abilities of Large Language Models for RDF Knowledge Graph Creation and Comprehension: How Well Do LLMs Speak Turtle?

zjukg/kg-llm-papers 29 Sep 2023

Large Language Models (LLMs) are advancing at a rapid pace, with significant improvements at natural language processing and coding tasks.