
30 papers with code • 7 benchmarks • 6 datasets

Lipreading is a process of extracting speech by watching lip movements of a speaker in the absence of sound. Humans lipread all the time without even noticing. It is a big part in communication albeit not as dominant as audio. It is a very helpful skill to learn especially for those who are hard of hearing.

Deep Lipreading is the process of extracting speech from a video of a silent talking face using deep neural networks. It is also known by few other names: Visual Speech Recognition (VSR), Machine Lipreading, Automatic Lipreading etc.

The primary methodology involves two stages: i) Extracting visual and temporal features from a sequence of image frames from a silent talking video ii) Processing the sequence of features into units of speech e.g. characters, words, phrases etc. We can find several implementations of this methodology either done in two separate stages or trained end-to-end in one go.


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Most implemented papers

Lips Don't Lie: A Generalisable and Robust Approach to Face Forgery Detection

ahaliassos/lipforensics CVPR 2021

Extensive experiments show that this simple approach significantly surpasses the state-of-the-art in terms of generalisation to unseen manipulations and robustness to perturbations, as well as shed light on the factors responsible for its performance.

Robust Self-Supervised Audio-Visual Speech Recognition

facebookresearch/av_hubert 5 Jan 2022

Audio-based automatic speech recognition (ASR) degrades significantly in noisy environments and is particularly vulnerable to interfering speech, as the model cannot determine which speaker to transcribe.

Leveraging Unimodal Self-Supervised Learning for Multimodal Audio-Visual Speech Recognition

lumia-group/leveraging-self-supervised-learning-for-avsr ACL 2022

In particular, audio and visual front-ends are trained on large-scale unimodal datasets, then we integrate components of both front-ends into a larger multimodal framework which learns to recognize parallel audio-visual data into characters through a combination of CTC and seq2seq decoding.

Bayesian Neural Network Language Modeling for Speech Recognition

amourwaltz/bayeslms 28 Aug 2022

State-of-the-art neural network language models (NNLMs) represented by long short term memory recurrent neural networks (LSTM-RNNs) and Transformers are becoming highly complex.

Training Strategies for Improved Lip-reading

mpc001/Lipreading_using_Temporal_Convolutional_Networks 3 Sep 2022

In this paper, we systematically investigate the performance of state-of-the-art data augmentation approaches, temporal models and other training strategies, like self-distillation and using word boundary indicators.

Relaxed Attention for Transformer Models

Oguzhanercan/Vision-Transformers 20 Sep 2022

The powerful modeling capabilities of all-attention-based transformer architectures often cause overfitting and - for natural language processing tasks - lead to an implicitly learned internal language model in the autoregressive transformer decoder complicating the integration of external language models.

Jointly Learning Visual and Auditory Speech Representations from Raw Data

ahaliassos/raven 12 Dec 2022

We observe strong results in low- and high-resource labelled data settings when fine-tuning the visual and auditory encoders resulting from a single pre-training stage, in which the encoders are jointly trained.

LipLearner: Customizable Silent Speech Interactions on Mobile Devices

rkmtlab/LipLearner 12 Feb 2023

Silent speech interface is a promising technology that enables private communications in natural language.

Auto-AVSR: Audio-Visual Speech Recognition with Automatic Labels

mpc001/auto_avsr 25 Mar 2023

Recently, the performance of automatic, visual, and audio-visual speech recognition (ASR, VSR, and AV-ASR, respectively) has been substantially improved, mainly due to the use of larger models and training sets.

Where Visual Speech Meets Language: VSP-LLM Framework for Efficient and Context-Aware Visual Speech Processing

sally-sh/vsp-llm 23 Feb 2024

In visual speech processing, context modeling capability is one of the most important requirements due to the ambiguous nature of lip movements.