Partially Labeled Datasets

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Most implemented papers

Multi-organ Segmentation over Partially Labeled Datasets with Multi-scale Feature Abstraction


Shortage of fully annotated datasets has been a limiting factor in developing deep learning based image segmentation algorithms and the problem becomes more pronounced in multi-organ segmentation.

Learning from Multiple Datasets with Heterogeneous and Partial Labels for Universal Lesion Detection in CT

viggin/DeepLesion_manual_test_set 5 Sep 2020

For example, DeepLesion is such a large-scale CT image dataset with lesions of various types, but it also has many unlabeled lesions (missing annotations).

DoDNet: Learning to segment multi-organ and tumors from multiple partially labeled datasets

jianpengz/DoDNet CVPR 2021

To address this, we propose a dynamic on-demand network (DoDNet) that learns to segment multiple organs and tumors on partially labeled datasets.

Federated Multi-organ Segmentation with Inconsistent Labels

dial-rpi/fed-menu 14 Jun 2022

Extensive experiments on six public abdominal CT datasets show that our Fed-MENU method can effectively obtain a federated learning model using the partially labeled datasets with superior performance to other models trained by either localized or centralized learning methods.

Learning from partially labeled data for multi-organ and tumor segmentation

jianpengz/DoDNet 13 Nov 2022

To address this, we propose a Transformer based dynamic on-demand network (TransDoDNet) that learns to segment organs and tumors on multiple partially labeled datasets.