Program Synthesis

139 papers with code • 3 benchmarks • 5 datasets

Program synthesis is the process of automatically generating a program or code snippet that satisfies a given specification or set of requirements. This can include generating code from a formal specification, a natural language description, or example inputs and outputs. The primary goal of program synthesis is to minimize human intervention in the coding process, reduce errors, and improve productivity.

Program synthesis often involves the use of advanced algorithms, artificial intelligence, and machine learning techniques to search the space of possible programs that meet the given constraints. This process can be guided by a variety of techniques, such as constraint solving, symbolic execution, and genetic algorithms.


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Most implemented papers

Knowledge-Driven Robot Program Synthesis from Human VR Demonstrations

ease-crc/vr-program-synthesis 5 Jun 2023

Aging societies, labor shortages and increasing wage costs call for assistance robots capable of autonomously performing a wide array of real-world tasks.

Differentiable Functional Program Interpreters

ethancaballero/neural-engineers-first-attempt 7 Nov 2016

Recent work on differentiable interpreters relaxes the discrete space of programs into a continuous space so that search over programs can be performed using gradient-based optimization.

P-Tree Programming

coesch/ptree 12 Jul 2017

From this prototype tree we form program instances which we evaluate on a given problem.

Learning to Infer Graphics Programs from Hand-Drawn Images

azarafrooz/LSTM-program-synthesis ICLR 2018

These drawing primitives are like a trace of the set of primitive commands issued by a graphics program.

A probabilistic and multi-objective analysis of lexicase selection and epsilon-lexicase selection

lacava/epsilon_lexicase 15 Sep 2017

Lexicase selection is a parent selection method that considers training cases individually, rather than in aggregate, when performing parent selection.

Selecting Representative Examples for Program Synthesis

evanthebouncy/icml2018_selecting_representative_examples ICML 2018

Program synthesis is a class of regression problems where one seeks a solution, in the form of a source-code program, mapping the inputs to their corresponding outputs exactly.

Dynamic Neural Program Embedding for Program Repair

keowang/dynamic-program-embedding 20 Nov 2017

Evaluation results show that our new semantic program embedding significantly outperforms the syntactic program embeddings based on token sequences and abstract syntax trees.

Recent Advances in Neural Program Synthesis

qu-arx/arx-inf 7 Feb 2018

In recent years, deep learning has made tremendous progress in a number of fields that were previously out of reach for artificial intelligence.

Neural Program Synthesis from Diverse Demonstration Videos

shaohua0116/demo2program ICML 2018

To empower machines with this ability, we propose a neural program synthesizer that is able to explicitly synthesize underlying programs from behaviorally diverse and visually complicated demonstration videos.

NAPS: Natural Program Synthesis Dataset

nearai/program_synthesis 6 Jul 2018

We present a program synthesis-oriented dataset consisting of human written problem statements and solutions for these problems.