11 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 2 datasets
Most implemented papers
GLUE: A Multi-Task Benchmark and Analysis Platform for Natural Language Understanding
For natural language understanding (NLU) technology to be maximally useful, both practically and as a scientific object of study, it must be general: it must be able to process language in a way that is not exclusively tailored to any one specific task or dataset.
From Dense to Sparse: Contrastive Pruning for Better Pre-trained Language Model Compression
Unified in contrastive learning, CAP enables the pruned model to learn from the pre-trained model for task-agnostic knowledge, and fine-tuned model for task-specific knowledge.
On the Importance of Adaptive Data Collection for Extremely Imbalanced Pairwise Tasks
Many pairwise classification tasks, such as paraphrase detection and open-domain question answering, naturally have extreme label imbalance (e. g., $99. 99\%$ of examples are negatives).
Are Larger Pretrained Language Models Uniformly Better? Comparing Performance at the Instance Level
We develop statistically rigorous methods to address this, and after accounting for pretraining and finetuning noise, we find that our BERT-Large is worse than BERT-Mini on at least 1-4% of instances across MNLI, SST-2, and QQP, compared to the overall accuracy improvement of 2-10%.
LEAP: Learnable Pruning for Transformer-based Models
Moreover, in order to reduce hyperparameter tuning, a novel adaptive regularization coefficient is deployed to control the regularization penalty adaptively.
Contrastive Representation Learning for Exemplar-Guided Paraphrase Generation
Exemplar-Guided Paraphrase Generation (EGPG) aims to generate a target sentence which conforms to the style of the given exemplar while encapsulating the content information of the source sentence.
Linear Connectivity Reveals Generalization Strategies
It is widely accepted in the mode connectivity literature that when two neural networks are trained similarly on the same data, they are connected by a path through parameter space over which test set accuracy is maintained.
AGRO: Adversarial Discovery of Error-prone groups for Robust Optimization
We propose AGRO -- Adversarial Group discovery for Distributionally Robust Optimization -- an end-to-end approach that jointly identifies error-prone groups and improves accuracy on them.
Enhancing Text Generation with Cooperative Training
Recently, there has been a surge in the use of generated data to enhance the performance of downstream models, largely due to the advancements in pre-trained language models.
Abstract Meaning Representation-Based Logic-Driven Data Augmentation for Logical Reasoning
Combining large language models with logical reasoning enhances their capacity to address problems in a robust and reliable manner.