Real-Time Strategy Games

23 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 4 datasets

Real-Time Strategy (RTS) tasks involve training an agent to play video games with continuous gameplay and high-level macro-strategic goals such as map control, economic superiority and more.

( Image credit: Multi-platform Version of StarCraft: Brood War in a Docker Container )

Most implemented papers

Constrained optimization under uncertainty for decision-making problems: Application to Real-Time Strategy games

richoux/microrts-uncertainty 3 Jan 2019

However, few Constraint Programming formalisms can deal with both optimization and uncertainty at the same time, and none of them are convenient to model problems we tackle in this paper.

Detecting Video Game Player Burnout with the Use of Sensor Data and Machine Learning

smerdov/eSports_Sensors_Dataset 29 Nov 2020

In this article, we propose the methods based on the sensor data analysis for predicting whether a player will win the future encounter.

Terrain Analysis in StarCraft 1 and 2 as Combinatorial Optimization

richoux/taunt 18 May 2022

The goal of terrain analysis is to gather and process data about the map topology and properties to have a qualitative spatial representation.