Saliency Detection

130 papers with code • 7 benchmarks • 13 datasets

Saliency Detection is a preprocessing step in computer vision which aims at finding salient objects in an image.

Source: An Unsupervised Game-Theoretic Approach to Saliency Detection


Use these libraries to find Saliency Detection models and implementations

TempSAL - Uncovering Temporal Information for Deep Saliency Prediction

IVRL/Tempsal CVPR 2023

Deep saliency prediction algorithms complement the object recognition features, they typically rely on additional information such as scene context, semantic relationships, gaze direction, and object dissimilarity.

01 Jan 2023

Unsupervised Object Localization: Observing the Background to Discover Objects

valeoai/found CVPR 2023

This way, the salient objects emerge as a by-product without any strong assumption on what an object should be.

15 Dec 2022

Temporal Saliency Detection Towards Explainable Transformer-based Timeseries Forecasting

duongtrung/time-series-temporal-saliency-patterns 15 Dec 2022

Despite the notable advancements in numerous Transformer-based models, the task of long multi-horizon time series forecasting remains a persistent challenge, especially towards explainability.

15 Dec 2022

PatchRefineNet: Improving Binary Segmentation by Incorporating Signals from Optimal Patch-wise Binarization

savinay95n/PatchRefineNet 12 Nov 2022

Given the logit scores produced by the base segmentation model, each pixel is given a pseudo-label that is obtained by optimally thresholding the logit scores in each image patch.

12 Nov 2022

Panoramic Vision Transformer for Saliency Detection in 360° Videos

hs-yn/paver 19 Sep 2022

360$^\circ$ video saliency detection is one of the challenging benchmarks for 360$^\circ$ video understanding since non-negligible distortion and discontinuity occur in the projection of any format of 360$^\circ$ videos, and capture-worthy viewpoint in the omnidirectional sphere is ambiguous by nature.

19 Sep 2022

A Weakly Supervised Learning Framework for Salient Object Detection via Hybrid Labels

rmcong/Hybrid-Label-SOD_TCSVT2022 7 Sep 2022

In this paper, we focus on a new weakly-supervised SOD task under hybrid labels, where the supervision labels include a large number of coarse labels generated by the traditional unsupervised method and a small number of real labels.

07 Sep 2022

Robust RGB-D Fusion for Saliency Detection

zongwei97/rfnet 2 Aug 2022

In this work, we aim for RGB-D saliency detection that is robust to the low-quality depths which primarily appear in two forms: inaccuracy due to noise and the misalignment to RGB.

02 Aug 2022

ConCL: Concept Contrastive Learning for Dense Prediction Pre-training in Pathology Images

tencentailabhealthcare/concl 14 Jul 2022

We first benchmark representative SSL methods for dense prediction tasks in pathology images.

14 Jul 2022

A Comprehensive Survey on Video Saliency Detection with Auditory Information: the Audio-visual Consistency Perceptual is the Key!

songsook/scdl 20 Jun 2022

Video saliency detection (VSD) aims at fast locating the most attractive objects/things/patterns in a given video clip.

20 Jun 2022

Perceptual Quality Assessment of Virtual Reality Videos in the Wild

limuhit/vr-video-quality-in-the-wild 13 Jun 2022

Investigating how people perceive virtual reality (VR) videos in the wild (i. e., those captured by everyday users) is a crucial and challenging task in VR-related applications due to complex authentic distortions localized in space and time.

13 Jun 2022