Search Results for author: Jörn Kohlhammer

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

Towards the Visualization of Aggregated Class Activation Maps to Analyse the Global Contribution of Class Features

no code implementations29 Jul 2023 Igor Cherepanov, David Sessler, Alex Ulmer, Hendrik Lücke-Tieke, Jörn Kohlhammer

Our approach allows an analyst to detect important features of high-dimensional data and derive adjustments to the AI model based on our global explanation visualization.

Classification Decision Making +2

Extension of Dictionary-Based Compression Algorithms for the Quantitative Visualization of Patterns from Log Files

no code implementations10 Apr 2023 Igor Cherepanov, Jonathan Geraldi Joewono, Arjan Kuijper, Jörn Kohlhammer

This work presents an approach to detect frequent patterns in textual data that can be simultaneously registered during the file compression process with low consumption of resources.

Visualization Of Class Activation Maps To Explain AI Classification Of Network Packet Captures

no code implementations5 Sep 2022 Igor Cherepanov, Alex Ulmer, Jonathan Geraldi Joewono, Jörn Kohlhammer

The classification of internet traffic has become increasingly important due to the rapid growth of today's networks and applications.


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