Search Results for author: Premjith B

Found 13 papers, 1 papers with code

Amrita_CEN_NLP @ WOSP 3C Citation Context Classification Task

no code implementations WOSP 2020 Premjith B, Soman Kp

Identification of the purpose and influence of citation is significant in assessing the impact of a publication.


BERT-Based Sequence Labelling Approach for Dependency Parsing in Tamil

no code implementations DravidianLangTech (ACL) 2022 C S Ayush Kumar, Advaith Maharana, Srinath Murali, Premjith B, Soman Kp

This paper focuses on a novel approach that uses word-to-word dependency tagging using BERT models to improve the malt parser performance.

Dependency Parsing

cEnTam: Creation and Validation of a New English-Tamil Bilingual Corpus

no code implementations LREC 2020 Sanjanasri JP, Premjith B, Vijay Krishna Menon, Soman Kp

Natural Language Processing (NLP), is the field of artificial intelligence that gives the computer the ability to interpret, perceive and extract appropriate information from human languages.

Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval Machine Translation +2

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