Search Results for author: Riza Theresa Batista-Navarro

Found 9 papers, 1 papers with code

Understanding the Evolution of Circular Economy through Language Change

no code implementations WS 2019 Sampriti Mahanty, Frank Boons, H, Julia l, Riza Theresa Batista-Navarro

In this study, we propose to focus on understanding the evolution of a specific scientific concept{---}that of Circular Economy (CE){---}by analysing how the language used in academic discussions has changed semantically.

Identifying Opinion-Topics and Polarity of Parliamentary Debate Motions

no code implementations WS 2018 Gavin Abercrombie, Riza Theresa Batista-Navarro

Analysis of the topics mentioned and opinions expressed in parliamentary debate motions{--}or proposals{--}is difficult for human readers, but necessary for understanding and automatic processing of the content of the subsequent speeches.

Sentiment Analysis Topic Classification

Crowdsourcing-based Annotation of Emotions in Filipino and English Tweets

no code implementations WS 2016 Fermin Roberto Lapitan, Riza Theresa Batista-Navarro, Eliezer Albacea

In order to facilitate the development of natural language processing (NLP) methods that will automate such type of analysis, we have built a corpus of tweets whose predominant emotions have been manually annotated by means of crowdsourcing.

Emotion Recognition

Interoperability and Customisation of Annotation Schemata in Argo

no code implementations LREC 2014 Rafal Rak, Jacob Carter, Andrew Rowley, Riza Theresa Batista-Navarro, Sophia Ananiadou

Argo aids the development of custom annotation schemata and supports their interoperability by featuring a schema editor and specialised analytics for schemata alignment.


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