The 300-W is a face dataset that consists of 300 Indoor and 300 Outdoor in-the-wild images. It covers a large variation of identity, expression, illumination conditions, pose, occlusion and face size. The images were downloaded from by making queries such as “party”, “conference”, “protests”, “football” and “celebrities”. Compared to the rest of in-the-wild datasets, the 300-W database contains a larger percentage of partially-occluded images and covers more expressions than the common “neutral” or “smile”, such as “surprise” or “scream”. Images were annotated with the 68-point mark-up using a semi-automatic methodology. The images of the database were carefully selected so that they represent a characteristic sample of challenging but natural face instances under totally unconstrained conditions. Thus, methods that achieve accurate performance on the 300-W database can demonstrate the same accuracy in most realistic cases. Many images of the database contain more than one annotated faces (293 images with 1 face, 53 images with 2 faces and 53 images with [3, 7] faces). Consequently, the database consists of 600 annotated face instances, but 399 unique images. Finally, there is a large variety of face sizes. Specifically, 49.3% of the faces have size in the range [48.6k, 2.0M] and the overall mean size is 85k (about 292 × 292) pixels.
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