We analyze social media posts to tease out what makes a post inspiring and what topics are inspiring. We release a dataset of 5,800 inspiring and 5,800 non-inspiring English-language public post unique ids collected from a dump of Reddit public posts made available by a third party and use linguistic heuristics to automatically detect which social media English-language posts are inspiring.
Kickstarter is a community of more than 10 million people comprising of creative, tech enthusiasts who help in bringing creative project to life. Till now, more than $3 billion dollars have been contributed by the members in fueling creative projects. The projects can be literally anything – a device, a game, an app, a film etc.
This data was extracted from the 1994 Census bureau database by Ronny Kohavi and Barry Becker (Data Mining and Visualization, Silicon Graphics). A set of reasonably clean records was extracted using the following conditions: ((AAGE>16) && (AGI>100) && (AFNLWGT>1) && (HRSWK>0)). The prediction task is to determine whether a person makes over $50K a year.
The dataset contains sentences from Amazon customer reviews (sampled from Amazon product review dataset) annotated for counterfactual detection (CFD) binary classification. Counterfactual statements describe events that did not or cannot take place. Counterfactual statements may be identified as statements of the form – If p was true, then q would be true (i.e. assertions whose antecedent (p) and consequent (q) are known or assumed to be false).
Problem Statement
The TII-SSRC-23 dataset offers a comprehensive collection of network traffic patterns, meticulously compiled to support the development and research of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS). It presents a dual structure: one part provides a tabular representation of extracted features in CSV format, while the other offers raw network traffic data for each type of traffic in PCAP files. This rich dataset captures both benign and malicious network scenarios, serving as an invaluable resource for researchers in the machine learning field.
TuPyE, an enhanced iteration of TuPy, encompasses a compilation of 43,668 meticulously annotated documents specifically selected for the purpose of hate speech detection within diverse social network contexts. This augmented dataset integrates supplementary annotations and amalgamates with datasets sourced from Fortuna et al. (2019), Leite et al. (2020), and Vargas et al. (2022), complemented by an infusion of 10,000 original documents from the TuPy-Dataset.
[Real or Fake] : Fake Job Description Prediction This dataset contains 18K job descriptions out of which about 800 are fake. The data consists of both textual information and meta-information about the jobs. The dataset can be used to create classification models which can learn the job descriptions which are fraudulent.
This dataset is comprised of the dynamic analysis reports generated by CAPEv2, from both malware and goodware. We source the goodware as they do in Dambra et al. (https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.14657), where trough the community-maintained packages of Chocolatey they create a dataset that spans 2012 to 2020. The malware are sourced from VirusTotal, namely samples of Portable Executable from 2017 - 2020 that they release for academic purposes. In total, the dataset we assembled contains 26,200 PE samples: 8,600 (33\%) goodware and 17,675 (67\%) malware.
This is a machine-learning-ready glaucoma dataset using a balanced subset of standardized fundus images from the Rotterdam EyePACS AIROGS train set. This dataset is split into training, validation, and test folders which contain 2500, 270, and 500 fundus images in each class respectively. Each training set has a folder for each class: referable glaucoma (RG) and non-referable glaucoma (NRG).
This is an improved machine-learning-ready glaucoma dataset using a balanced subset of standardized fundus images from the Rotterdam EyePACS AIROGS [1] set. This dataset is split into training, validation, and test folders which contain 4000 (~84%), 385 (~8%), and 385 (~8%) fundus images in each class respectively. Each training set has a folder for each class: referable glaucoma (RG) and non-referable glaucoma (NRG).
Standardized Multi-Channel Dataset for Glaucoma (SMDG-19) is a collection and standardization of 19 public datasets, comprised of full-fundus glaucoma images, associated image metadata like, optic disc segmentation, optic cup segmentation, blood vessel segmentation, and any provided per-instance text metadata like sex and age. This dataset is the largest public repository of fundus images with glaucoma.