Semantic Segmentation Models

Boundary-Aware Segmentation Network

Introduced by Qin et al. in Boundary-Aware Segmentation Network for Mobile and Web Applications

BASNet, or Boundary-Aware Segmentation Network, is an image segmentation architecture that consists of a predict-refine architecture and a hybrid loss. The proposed BASNet comprises a predict-refine architecture and a hybrid loss, for highly accurate image segmentation. The predict-refine architecture consists of a densely supervised encoder-decoder network and a residual refinement module, which are respectively used to predict and refine a segmentation probability map. The hybrid loss is a combination of the binary cross entropy, structural similarity and intersection-over-union losses, which guide the network to learn three-level (i.e., pixel-, patch- and map- level) hierarchy representations.

Source: Boundary-Aware Segmentation Network for Mobile and Web Applications


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