SegNeXt: Rethinking Convolutional Attention Design for Semantic Segmentation

18 Sep 2022  ·  Meng-Hao Guo, Cheng-Ze Lu, Qibin Hou, ZhengNing Liu, Ming-Ming Cheng, Shi-Min Hu ·

We present SegNeXt, a simple convolutional network architecture for semantic segmentation. Recent transformer-based models have dominated the field of semantic segmentation due to the efficiency of self-attention in encoding spatial information. In this paper, we show that convolutional attention is a more efficient and effective way to encode contextual information than the self-attention mechanism in transformers. By re-examining the characteristics owned by successful segmentation models, we discover several key components leading to the performance improvement of segmentation models. This motivates us to design a novel convolutional attention network that uses cheap convolutional operations. Without bells and whistles, our SegNeXt significantly improves the performance of previous state-of-the-art methods on popular benchmarks, including ADE20K, Cityscapes, COCO-Stuff, Pascal VOC, Pascal Context, and iSAID. Notably, SegNeXt outperforms EfficientNet-L2 w/ NAS-FPN and achieves 90.6% mIoU on the Pascal VOC 2012 test leaderboard using only 1/10 parameters of it. On average, SegNeXt achieves about 2.0% mIoU improvements compared to the state-of-the-art methods on the ADE20K datasets with the same or fewer computations. Code is available at (Jittor) and (Pytorch).

PDF Abstract

Results from the Paper

Task Dataset Model Metric Name Metric Value Global Rank Result Benchmark
Real-Time Semantic Segmentation Cityscapes val SegNext-T-Seg100 mIoU 79.8% # 4
Frame (fps) 28.1 # 14
Semantic Segmentation DDD17 SegNeXt-B mIoU 71.46 # 3
Semantic Segmentation DSEC SegNeXt-B mIoU 71.55 # 4
Semantic Segmentation iSAID SegNeXt-B mIoU 69.9 # 2
Semantic Segmentation iSAID SegNeXt-L mIoU 70.3 # 1
Semantic Segmentation iSAID SegNeXt-T mIoU 68.3 # 6
Semantic Segmentation iSAID SegNeXt-S mIoU 68.8 # 4
