Search Results for author: Francesco Visin

Found 13 papers, 8 papers with code

ReConvNet: Video Object Segmentation with Spatio-Temporal Features Modulation

no code implementations14 Jun 2018 Francesco Lattari, Marco Ciccone, Matteo Matteucci, Jonathan Masci, Francesco Visin

We introduce ReConvNet, a recurrent convolutional architecture for semi-supervised video object segmentation that is able to fast adapt its features to focus on any specific object of interest at inference time.

Object Position +3

Multi-View Stereo with Single-View Semantic Mesh Refinement

no code implementations16 Aug 2017 Andrea Romanoni, Marco Ciccone, Francesco Visin, Matteo Matteucci

In this paper we propose a novel method to refine both the geometry and the semantic labeling of a given mesh.

3D Reconstruction

Mollifying Networks

no code implementations17 Aug 2016 Caglar Gulcehre, Marcin Moczulski, Francesco Visin, Yoshua Bengio

The optimization of deep neural networks can be more challenging than traditional convex optimization problems due to the highly non-convex nature of the loss function, e. g. it can involve pathological landscapes such as saddle-surfaces that can be difficult to escape for algorithms based on simple gradient descent.

Small Data, Big Decisions: Model Selection in the Small-Data Regime

no code implementations ICML 2020 Jorg Bornschein, Francesco Visin, Simon Osindero

Highly overparametrized neural networks can display curiously strong generalization performance - a phenomenon that has recently garnered a wealth of theoretical and empirical research in order to better understand it.

Model Selection

Temporal Difference Uncertainties as a Signal for Exploration

no code implementations5 Oct 2020 Sebastian Flennerhag, Jane X. Wang, Pablo Sprechmann, Francesco Visin, Alexandre Galashov, Steven Kapturowski, Diana L. Borsa, Nicolas Heess, Andre Barreto, Razvan Pascanu

Instead, we incorporate it as an intrinsic reward and treat exploration as a separate learning problem, induced by the agent's temporal difference uncertainties.

Meta-Learning with Warped Gradient Descent

1 code implementation ICLR 2020 Sebastian Flennerhag, Andrei A. Rusu, Razvan Pascanu, Francesco Visin, Hujun Yin, Raia Hadsell

On the other hand, approaches that try to control a gradient-based update rule typically resort to computing gradients through the learning process to obtain their meta-gradients, leading to methods that can not scale beyond few-shot task adaptation.

Few-Shot Learning Inductive Bias

Theano: A Python framework for fast computation of mathematical expressions

1 code implementation9 May 2016 The Theano Development Team, Rami Al-Rfou, Guillaume Alain, Amjad Almahairi, Christof Angermueller, Dzmitry Bahdanau, Nicolas Ballas, Frédéric Bastien, Justin Bayer, Anatoly Belikov, Alexander Belopolsky, Yoshua Bengio, Arnaud Bergeron, James Bergstra, Valentin Bisson, Josh Bleecher Snyder, Nicolas Bouchard, Nicolas Boulanger-Lewandowski, Xavier Bouthillier, Alexandre de Brébisson, Olivier Breuleux, Pierre-Luc Carrier, Kyunghyun Cho, Jan Chorowski, Paul Christiano, Tim Cooijmans, Marc-Alexandre Côté, Myriam Côté, Aaron Courville, Yann N. Dauphin, Olivier Delalleau, Julien Demouth, Guillaume Desjardins, Sander Dieleman, Laurent Dinh, Mélanie Ducoffe, Vincent Dumoulin, Samira Ebrahimi Kahou, Dumitru Erhan, Ziye Fan, Orhan Firat, Mathieu Germain, Xavier Glorot, Ian Goodfellow, Matt Graham, Caglar Gulcehre, Philippe Hamel, Iban Harlouchet, Jean-Philippe Heng, Balázs Hidasi, Sina Honari, Arjun Jain, Sébastien Jean, Kai Jia, Mikhail Korobov, Vivek Kulkarni, Alex Lamb, Pascal Lamblin, Eric Larsen, César Laurent, Sean Lee, Simon Lefrancois, Simon Lemieux, Nicholas Léonard, Zhouhan Lin, Jesse A. Livezey, Cory Lorenz, Jeremiah Lowin, Qianli Ma, Pierre-Antoine Manzagol, Olivier Mastropietro, Robert T. McGibbon, Roland Memisevic, Bart van Merriënboer, Vincent Michalski, Mehdi Mirza, Alberto Orlandi, Christopher Pal, Razvan Pascanu, Mohammad Pezeshki, Colin Raffel, Daniel Renshaw, Matthew Rocklin, Adriana Romero, Markus Roth, Peter Sadowski, John Salvatier, François Savard, Jan Schlüter, John Schulman, Gabriel Schwartz, Iulian Vlad Serban, Dmitriy Serdyuk, Samira Shabanian, Étienne Simon, Sigurd Spieckermann, S. Ramana Subramanyam, Jakub Sygnowski, Jérémie Tanguay, Gijs van Tulder, Joseph Turian, Sebastian Urban, Pascal Vincent, Francesco Visin, Harm de Vries, David Warde-Farley, Dustin J. Webb, Matthew Willson, Kelvin Xu, Lijun Xue, Li Yao, Saizheng Zhang, Ying Zhang

Since its introduction, it has been one of the most used CPU and GPU mathematical compilers - especially in the machine learning community - and has shown steady performance improvements.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Clustering +2

Continual Unsupervised Representation Learning

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2019 Dushyant Rao, Francesco Visin, Andrei A. Rusu, Yee Whye Teh, Razvan Pascanu, Raia Hadsell

Continual learning aims to improve the ability of modern learning systems to deal with non-stationary distributions, typically by attempting to learn a series of tasks sequentially.

Continual Learning Representation Learning

Learning rich touch representations through cross-modal self-supervision

1 code implementation21 Jan 2021 Martina Zambelli, Yusuf Aytar, Francesco Visin, Yuxiang Zhou, Raia Hadsell

The sense of touch is fundamental in several manipulation tasks, but rarely used in robot manipulation.

Self-Supervised Learning Robotics

A guide to convolution arithmetic for deep learning

16 code implementations23 Mar 2016 Vincent Dumoulin, Francesco Visin

We introduce a guide to help deep learning practitioners understand and manipulate convolutional neural network architectures.

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