Search Results for author: Kfir Bar

Found 12 papers, 0 papers with code

The IDC System for Sentiment Classification and Sarcasm Detection in Arabic

no code implementations EACL (WANLP) 2021 Abraham Israeli, Yotam Nahum, Shai Fine, Kfir Bar

In this paper we present designated solutions for sentiment classification and sarcasm detection tasks that were introduced as part of a shared task by Abu Farha et al. (2021).

Sarcasm Detection Sentiment Analysis +1

Training a Bilingual Language Model by Mapping Tokens onto a Shared Character Space

no code implementations25 Feb 2024 Aviad Rom, Kfir Bar

We train a bilingual Arabic-Hebrew language model using a transliterated version of Arabic texts in Hebrew, to ensure both languages are represented in the same script.

Language Modeling Language Modelling +2

Supporting Undotted Arabic with Pre-trained Language Models

no code implementations ICNLSP 2021 Aviad Rom, Kfir Bar

We observe a recent behaviour on social media, in which users intentionally remove consonantal dots from Arabic letters, in order to bypass content-classification algorithms.


Metaphor Interpretation Using Word Embeddings

no code implementations6 Oct 2020 Kfir Bar, Nachum Dershowitz, Lena Dankin

We suggest a model for metaphor interpretation using word embeddings trained over a relatively large corpus.

Clustering Word Embeddings

Transliteration of Judeo-Arabic Texts into Arabic Script Using Recurrent Neural Networks

no code implementations COLING (WANLP) 2020 Ori Terner, Kfir Bar, Nachum Dershowitz

To measure the contribution of context to learning, we also tested word-shuffled data, for which the error rises to 2. 5%.


Semantic Characteristics of Schizophrenic Speech

no code implementations WS 2019 Kfir Bar, Vered Zilberstein, Ido Ziv, Heli Baram, Nachum Dershowitz, Samuel Itzikowitz, Eiran Vadim Harel

Natural language processing tools are used to automatically detect disturbances in transcribed speech of schizophrenia inpatients who speak Hebrew.

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