Board Games

43 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 2 datasets

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Use these libraries to find Board Games models and implementations

Solving Royal Game of Ur Using Reinforcement Learning

malhotra-sidharth/game-of-ur-reinforcement-learning 23 Aug 2022

Reinforcement Learning has recently surfaced as a very powerful tool to solve complex problems in the domain of board games, wherein an agent is generally required to learn complex strategies and moves based on its own experiences and rewards received.

23 Aug 2022

Mastering the Game of Stratego with Model-Free Multiagent Reinforcement Learning

deepmind/open_spiel 30 Jun 2022

It has the additional complexity of requiring decision-making under imperfect information, similar to Texas hold'em poker, which has a significantly smaller game tree (on the order of $10^{164}$ nodes).

30 Jun 2022

Impartial Games: A Challenge for Reinforcement Learning

sagebei/impartial-games-a-chanllenge-for-reinforcement-learning 25 May 2022

Intuitively, the difference between impartial games like Nim and partisan games like Chess and Go can be explained by the fact that if a small part of the board is covered for impartial games it is typically not possible to predict whether the position is won or lost as there is often zero correlation between the visible part of a partly blanked-out position and its correct evaluation.

25 May 2022

Split Moves for Monte-Carlo Tree Search

marekesz/rbg1.0 14 Dec 2021

These decisions can be viewed as separate moves, which is already a common practice in multi-action games for efficiency reasons.

14 Dec 2021

AlphaDDA: Strategies for Adjusting the Playing Strength of a Fully Trained AlphaZero System to a Suitable Human Training Partner

kazuhisafujita/alphadda 11 Nov 2021

We believe that the AlphaDDA approach for DDA can be used for any game AI system if the DNN can accurately estimate the value of the game state and we know a parameter controlling the skills of the AI system.

11 Nov 2021

Planning in Stochastic Environments with a Learned Model

opendilab/LightZero ICLR 2022

However, previous instantiations of this approach were limited to the use of deterministic models.

29 Sep 2021

AlphaZero-based Proof Cost Network to Aid Game Solving

kds285/proof-cost-network ICLR 2022

We train a Proof Cost Network (PCN), where proof cost is a heuristic that estimates the amount of work required to solve problems.

29 Sep 2021

Estimates for the Branching Factors of Atari Games

NelsonAU/ale_countstates 6 Jul 2021

The branching factor of a game is the average number of new states reachable from a given state.

06 Jul 2021

Playing Codenames with Language Graphs and Word Embeddings

divyakoyy/codenames 12 May 2021

Although board games and video games have been studied for decades in artificial intelligence research, challenging word games remain relatively unexplored.

12 May 2021

Scaling Scaling Laws with Board Games

fabricerosay/AlphaGPU 7 Apr 2021

The largest experiments in machine learning now require resources far beyond the budget of all but a few institutions.

07 Apr 2021