Decision Making Under Uncertainty

44 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 2 datasets

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Use these libraries to find Decision Making Under Uncertainty models and implementations
3 papers

Most implemented papers

Certified Reinforcement Learning with Logic Guidance

grockious/lcrl 2 Feb 2019

Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a widely employed machine learning architecture that has been applied to a variety of control problems.

Dynamic Real-time Multimodal Routing with Hierarchical Hybrid Planning

sisl/DreamrHHP 5 Feb 2019

We introduce the problem of Dynamic Real-time Multimodal Routing (DREAMR), which requires planning and executing routes under uncertainty for an autonomous agent.

Equal Opportunity in Online Classification with Partial Feedback

mrateike/fair_minimonster NeurIPS 2019

We study an online classification problem with partial feedback in which individuals arrive one at a time from a fixed but unknown distribution, and must be classified as positive or negative.

A General Framework for Uncertainty Estimation in Deep Learning

mattiasegu/uncertainty_estimation_deep_learning 16 Jul 2019

Current approaches for uncertainty estimation of neural networks require changes to the network and optimization process, typically ignore prior knowledge about the data, and tend to make over-simplifying assumptions which underestimate uncertainty.

Reinforcement Learning for Temporal Logic Control Synthesis with Probabilistic Satisfaction Guarantees

grockious/lcrl 11 Sep 2019

Reinforcement Learning (RL) has emerged as an efficient method of choice for solving complex sequential decision making problems in automatic control, computer science, economics, and biology.

Approximate Inference in Discrete Distributions with Monte Carlo Tree Search and Value Functions

tristandeleu/gfn-maxent-rl 15 Oct 2019

A plethora of problems in AI, engineering and the sciences are naturally formalized as inference in discrete probabilistic models.

Sequential Bayesian Experimental Design for Implicit Models via Mutual Information

stevenkleinegesse/seqbed 20 Mar 2020

We address this gap in the literature by devising a novel sequential design framework for parameter estimation that uses the Mutual Information (MI) between model parameters and simulated data as a utility function to find optimal experimental designs, which has not been done before for implicit models.

Curating a COVID-19 data repository and forecasting county-level death counts in the United States

Yu-Group/covid19-severity-prediction 16 May 2020

We use this data to develop predictions and corresponding prediction intervals for the short-term trajectory of COVID-19 cumulative death counts at the county-level in the United States up to two weeks ahead.

microPhantom: Playing microRTS under uncertainty and chaos

richoux/microPhantom 22 May 2020

microPhantom is based on our previous bot POAdaptive which won the partially observable track of the 2018 and 2019 microRTS AI competitions.

Dynamic Multi-Robot Task Allocation under Uncertainty and Temporal Constraints

sisl/SCoBA.jl 27 May 2020

We consider the problem of dynamically allocating tasks to multiple agents under time window constraints and task completion uncertainty.