Material Classification

15 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 5 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Classification of Household Materials via Spectroscopy

kebasaa/SCIO-read 10 May 2018

To explore this, we collected a dataset of spectral measurements from two commercially available spectrometers during which a robotic platform interacted with 50 flat material objects, and we show that a neural network model can accurately analyze these measurements.

Fast classification of small X-ray diffraction datasets using data augmentation and deep neural networks

PV-Lab/AUTO-XRD npj Computational Materials 2019

We overcome the scarce data problem intrinsic to novel materials development by coupling a supervised machine learning approach with a model-agnostic, physics-informed data augmentation strategy using simulated data from the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD) and experimental data.

A Dense Material Segmentation Dataset for Indoor and Outdoor Scene Parsing

apple/ml-dms-dataset 21 Jul 2022

A key algorithm for understanding the world is material segmentation, which assigns a label (metal, glass, etc.)

Deep Thermal Imaging: Proximate Material Type Recognition in the Wild through Deep Learning of Spatial Surface Temperature Patterns

deepneuroscience/DeepThermalImaging 6 Mar 2018

We evaluated the performance of the system by training it to recognise 32 material types in both indoor and outdoor environments.

Zeroth-Order Stochastic Variance Reduction for Nonconvex Optimization

IBM/ZOSVRG-BlackBox-Adv NeurIPS 2018

As application demands for zeroth-order (gradient-free) optimization accelerate, the need for variance reduced and faster converging approaches is also intensifying.

Multimodal Material Classification for Robots using Spectroscopy and High Resolution Texture Imaging

Healthcare-Robotics/spectrovision 2 Apr 2020

Finally, we present how a robot can combine this high resolution local sensing with images from the robot's head-mounted camera to achieve accurate material classification over a scene of objects on a table.

Roof material classification from aerial imagery

ZFTurbo/DrivenData-Open-AI-Caribbean-Challenge-2nd-place-solution 23 Apr 2020

Proposed methods includes: method of converting ImageNet weights of neural networks for using multi-channel images; special set of features of second level models that are used in addition to specific predictions of neural networks; special set of image augmentations that improve training accuracy.

SimTreeLS: Simulating aerial and terrestrial laser scans of trees

fwestling/SimTreeLS 24 Nov 2020

We present an open source tool, SimTreeLS (Simulated Tree Laser Scans), for generating point clouds which simulate scanning with user-defined sensor, trajectory, tree shape and layout parameters.

How well does CLIP understand texture?

chenyunwu/clip_texture 22 Mar 2022

We investigate how well CLIP understands texture in natural images described by natural language.

Depth Contrast: Self-Supervised Pretraining on 3DPM Images for Mining Material Classification

prakashchhipa/depth-contrast-self-supervised-method 18 Oct 2022

This work presents a novel self-supervised representation learning method to learn efficient representations without labels on images from a 3DPM sensor (3-Dimensional Particle Measurement; estimates the particle size distribution of material) utilizing RGB images and depth maps of mining material on the conveyor belt.