Search Results for author: Christian Weber

Found 6 papers, 0 papers with code

DALSA: Domain Adaptation for Supervised Learning From Sparsely Annotated MR Images

no code implementations12 Mar 2024 Michael Götz, Christian Weber, Franciszek Binczyk, Joanna Polanska, Rafal Tarnawski, Barbara Bobek-Billewicz, Ullrich Köthe, Jens Kleesiek, Bram Stieltjes, Klaus H. Maier-Hein

We propose a new method that employs transfer learning techniques to effectively correct sampling selection errors introduced by sparse annotations during supervised learning for automated tumor segmentation.

Domain Adaptation Transfer Learning +1

Knowledge Graphs as Context Sources for LLM-Based Explanations of Learning Recommendations

no code implementations5 Mar 2024 Hasan Abu-Rasheed, Christian Weber, Madjid Fathi

In the era of personalized education, the provision of comprehensible explanations for learning recommendations is of a great value to enhance the learner's understanding and engagement with the recommended learning content.

Knowledge Graphs Prompt Engineering

Supporting Student Decisions on Learning Recommendations: An LLM-Based Chatbot with Knowledge Graph Contextualization for Conversational Explainability and Mentoring

no code implementations16 Jan 2024 Hasan Abu-Rasheed, Mohamad Hussam Abdulsalam, Christian Weber, Madjid Fathi

Student commitment towards a learning recommendation is not separable from their understanding of the reasons it was recommended to them; and their ability to modify it based on that understanding.


Explainable Graph-based Search for Lessons-Learned Documents in the Semiconductor Industry

no code implementations18 May 2021 Hasan Abu-Rasheed, Christian Weber, Johannes Zenkert, Roland Krumm, Madjid Fathi

A key challenge of this sustainability is the intelligent management of the generated data, as well as the knowledge extracted from it, in order to utilize this knowledge for improving future procedures.


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