Search Results for author: Noah Simon

Found 19 papers, 5 papers with code

A Flexible Framework for Nonparametric Graphical Modeling that Accommodates Machine Learning

no code implementations ICML 2020 Yunhua Xiang, Noah Simon

In addition, we show that for 2 of these measures there are simple, strong plug-in estimators that require only the estimation of a conditional mean.

BIG-bench Machine Learning valid

Mesh-Based Solutions for Nonparametric Penalized Regression

no code implementations7 Dec 2021 Brayan Ortiz, Noah Simon

It is often of interest to estimate regression functions non-parametrically.


On the Optimality of Nuclear-norm-based Matrix Completion for Problems with Smooth Non-linear Structure

no code implementations5 May 2021 Yunhua Xiang, Tianyu Zhang, Xu Wang, Ali Shojaie, Noah Simon

Originally developed for imputing missing entries in low rank, or approximately low rank matrices, matrix completion has proven widely effective in many problems where there is no reason to assume low-dimensional linear structure in the underlying matrix, as would be imposed by rank constraints.

Matrix Completion

Ensembled sparse-input hierarchical networks for high-dimensional datasets

3 code implementations11 May 2020 Jean Feng, Noah Simon

Neural networks have seen limited use in prediction for high-dimensional data with small sample sizes, because they tend to overfit and require tuning many more hyperparameters than existing off-the-shelf machine learning methods.

Vocal Bursts Intensity Prediction

Approval policies for modifications to Machine Learning-Based Software as a Medical Device: A study of bio-creep

1 code implementation28 Dec 2019 Jean Feng, Scott Emerson, Noah Simon

Successful deployment of machine learning algorithms in healthcare requires careful assessments of their performance and safety.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Marketing +1

Selective prediction-set models with coverage guarantees

1 code implementation13 Jun 2019 Jean Feng, Arjun Sondhi, Jessica Perry, Noah Simon

Though black-box predictors are state-of-the-art for many complex tasks, they often fail to properly quantify predictive uncertainty and may provide inappropriate predictions for unfamiliar data.

Wavelet regression and additive models for irregularly spaced data

no code implementations NeurIPS 2018 Asad Haris, Noah Simon, Ali Shojaie

We prove minimax optimal convergence rates under a weak compatibility condition for sparse additive models.

Additive models regression

Generalized Sparse Additive Models

no code implementations11 Mar 2019 Asad Haris, Noah Simon, Ali Shojaie

We present a unified framework for estimation and analysis of generalized additive models in high dimensions.

Additive models

Nonparametric variable importance using an augmented neural network with multi-task learning

1 code implementation ICML 2018 Jean Feng, Brian Williamson, Noah Simon, Marco Carone

In predictive modeling applications, it is often of interest to determine the relative contribution of subsets of features in explaining the variability of an outcome.

Multi-Task Learning

Sparse-Input Neural Networks for High-dimensional Nonparametric Regression and Classification

1 code implementation21 Nov 2017 Jean Feng, Noah Simon

In addition, we characterize the statistical convergence of the penalized empirical risk minimizer to the optimal neural network: we show that the excess risk of this penalized estimator only grows with the logarithm of the number of input features; and we show that the weights of irrelevant features converge to zero.

General Classification regression +1

Gradient-based Regularization Parameter Selection for Problems with Non-smooth Penalty Functions

no code implementations28 Mar 2017 Jean Feng, Noah Simon

It is more efficient to tune parameters if the gradient can be determined, but this is often difficult for problems with non-smooth penalty functions.


Convex Modeling of Interactions with Strong Heredity

no code implementations13 Oct 2014 Asad Haris, Daniela Witten, Noah Simon

We consider the task of fitting a regression model involving interactions among a potentially large set of covariates, in which we wish to enforce strong heredity.

Fused Lasso Additive Model

no code implementations18 Sep 2014 Ashley Petersen, Daniela Witten, Noah Simon

We consider the problem of predicting an outcome variable using $p$ covariates that are measured on $n$ independent observations, in the setting in which flexible and interpretable fits are desirable.

Selection Bias Correction and Effect Size Estimation under Dependence

no code implementations16 May 2014 Kean Ming Tan, Noah Simon, Daniela Witten

Many authors have proposed methods to reduce the effects of selection bias under the assumption that the naive estimates of the effect sizes are independent.

Selection bias

A Blockwise Descent Algorithm for Group-penalized Multiresponse and Multinomial Regression

no code implementations26 Nov 2013 Noah Simon, Jerome Friedman, Trevor Hastie

In this paper we purpose a blockwise descent algorithm for group-penalized multiresponse regression.


On Estimating Many Means, Selection Bias, and the Bootstrap

no code implementations15 Nov 2013 Noah Simon, Richard Simon

With recent advances in high throughput technology, researchers often find themselves running a large number of hypothesis tests (thousands+) and esti- mating a large number of effect-sizes.

Selection bias

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