Facial Landmark Detection

47 papers with code • 9 benchmarks • 15 datasets

Facial Landmark Detection is a computer vision task that involves detecting and localizing specific points or landmarks on a face, such as the eyes, nose, mouth, and chin. The goal is to accurately identify these landmarks in images or videos of faces in real-time and use them for various applications, such as face recognition, facial expression analysis, and head pose estimation.

( Image credit: Style Aggregated Network for Facial Landmark Detection )


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2 papers

Latest papers with no code

LocalEyenet: Deep Attention framework for Localization of Eyes

no code yet • 13 Mar 2023

The model architecture, build on stacked hourglass backbone, learns the self-attention in feature maps which aids in preserving global as well as local spatial dependencies in face image.

Neonatal Face and Facial Landmark Detection from Video Recordings

no code yet • 8 Feb 2023

This paper explores automated face and facial landmark detection of neonates, which is an important first step in many video-based neonatal health applications, such as vital sign estimation, pain assessment, sleep-wake classification, and jaundice detection.

MATT: Multimodal Attention Level Estimation for e-learning Platforms

no code yet • 22 Jan 2023

This work presents a new multimodal system for remote attention level estimation based on multimodal face analysis.

3D-Aware Facial Landmark Detection via Multi-View Consistent Training on Synthetic Data

no code yet • CVPR 2023

Accurate facial landmark detection on wild images plays an essential role in human-computer interaction, entertainment, and medical applications.

Continuous Landmark Detection With 3D Queries

no code yet • CVPR 2023

Neural networks for facial landmark detection are notoriously limited to a fixed set of landmarks in a dedicated layout, which must be specified at training time.

Domain Translation via Latent Space Mapping

no code yet • 6 Dec 2022

In this paper, we investigate the problem of multi-domain translation: given an element $a$ of domain $A$, we would like to generate a corresponding $b$ sample in another domain $B$, and vice versa.

Towards Accurate Facial Landmark Detection via Cascaded Transformers

no code yet • CVPR 2022

We formulate facial landmark detection as a coordinate regression task such that the model can be trained end-to-end.

RePFormer: Refinement Pyramid Transformer for Robust Facial Landmark Detection

no code yet • 8 Jul 2022

This paper presents a Refinement Pyramid Transformer (RePFormer) for robust facial landmark detection.

Revisiting Facial Key Point Detection: An Efficient Approach Using Deep Neural Networks

no code yet • 14 May 2022

The objective of the research has been to develop efficient deep learning models in terms of model size, parameters, and inference time and to study the effect of augmentation imputation and fine-tuning on these models.

Real-Time Facial Expression Recognition using Facial Landmarks and Neural Networks

no code yet • 31 Jan 2022

Then, the human face is split into upper and lower faces, which enables the extraction of the desired features from each part.