Cambridge Landmarks, a large scale outdoor visual relocalisation dataset taken around Cambridge University. Contains original video, with extracted image frames labelled with their 6-DOF camera pose and a visual reconstruction of the scene. If you use this data, please cite our paper: Alex Kendall, Matthew Grimes and Roberto Cipolla "PoseNet: A Convolutional Network for Real-Time 6-DOF Camera Relocalization." Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2015.
CSL-Daily (Chinese Sign Language Corpus) is a large-scale continuous SLT dataset. It provides both spoken language translations and gloss-level annotations. The topic revolves around people's daily lives (e.g., travel, shopping, medical care), the most likely SLT application scenario.
UAV-Human is a large dataset for human behavior understanding with UAVs. It contains 67,428 multi-modal video sequences and 119 subjects for action recognition, 22,476 frames for pose estimation, 41,290 frames and 1,144 identities for person re-identification, and 22,263 frames for attribute recognition. The dataset was collected by a flying UAV in multiple urban and rural districts in both daytime and nighttime over three months, hence covering extensive diversities w.r.t subjects, backgrounds, illuminations, weathers, occlusions, camera motions, and UAV flying attitudes. This dataset can be used for UAV-based human behavior understanding, including action recognition, pose estimation, re-identification, and attribute recognition.
Avenue Dataset contains 16 training and 21 testing video clips. The videos are captured in CUHK campus avenue with 30652 (15328 training, 15324 testing) frames in total.
The How2Sign is a multimodal and multiview continuous American Sign Language (ASL) dataset consisting of a parallel corpus of more than 80 hours of sign language videos and a set of corresponding modalities including speech, English transcripts, and depth. A three-hour subset was further recorded in the Panoptic studio enabling detailed 3D pose estimation.
EMDB contains in-the-wild videos of human activity recorded with a hand-held iPhone. It features reference SMPL body pose and shape parameters, as well as global body root and camera trajectories. The reference 3D poses were obtained by jointly fitting SMPL to 12 body-worn electromagnetic sensors and image data. For the latter we fit a neural implicit avatar model to allow for a dense pixel-wise fitting objective.
V2X-Sim, short for vehicle-to-everything simulation, is the a synthetic collaborative perception dataset in autonomous driving developed by AI4CE Lab at NYU and MediaBrain Group at SJTU to facilitate collaborative perception between multiple vehicles and roadside infrastructure. Data is collected from both roadside and vehicles when they are presented near the same intersection. With information from both the roadside infrastructure and vehicles, the dataset aims to encourage research on collaborative perception tasks.
UVO is a new benchmark for open-world class-agnostic object segmentation in videos. Besides shifting the problem focus to the open-world setup, UVO is significantly larger, providing approximately 8 times more videos compared with DAVIS, and 7 times more mask (instance) annotations per video compared with YouTube-VOS and YouTube-VIS. UVO is also more challenging as it includes many videos with crowded scenes and complex background motions. Some highlights of the dataset include:
V2V4Real is a large-scale real-world multi-modal dataset for V2V perception. The data is collected by two vehicles equipped with multi modal sensors driving together through diverse scenarios. It covers a driving area of 410 km comprising 20K LiDAR frames, 40K RGB frames, 240K annotated 3D bounding boxes for 5 classes, and HDMaps that cover all the driving routes.
The dataset was collected using the Intel RealSense D435i camera, which was configured to produce synchronized accelerometer and gyroscope measurements at 400 Hz, along with synchronized VGA-size (640 x 480) RGB and depth streams at 30 Hz. The depth frames are acquired using active stereo and is aligned to the RGB frame using the sensor factory calibration. All the measurements are timestamped.
BURST is a benchmark suite built upon TAO that requires tracking and segmenting multiple objects from camera video. The benchmark contains 6 different sub-tasks divided into 2 groups that all share the same data for training/validation/testing.
The Easy Communications (EasyCom) dataset is a world-first dataset designed to help mitigate the cocktail party effect from an augmented-reality (AR) -motivated multi-sensor egocentric world view. The dataset contains AR glasses egocentric multi-channel microphone array audio, wide field-of-view RGB video, speech source pose, headset microphone audio, annotated voice activity, speech transcriptions, head and face bounding boxes and source identification labels. We have created and are releasing this dataset to facilitate research in multi-modal AR solutions to the cocktail party problem.
The SUN-SEG dataset is a high-quality per-frame annotated VPS dataset, which includes 158,690 frames from the famous SUN dataset. It extends the labels with diverse types, i.e., object mask, boundary, scribble, polygon, and visual attribute. It also introduces the pathological information from the original SUN dataset, including pathological classification labels, location information, and shape information.
Memorability dataset with 10000 3-second videos. Each video has upwards of 90 human annotations, and the split-half consistency of this dataset is 0.73 (best in class for video memorabilty datasets).
A database with 2,000 videos captured by surveillance cameras in real-world scenes.
Have you wondered how autonomous mobile robots should share space with humans in public spaces? Are you interested in developing autonomous mobile robots that can navigate within human crowds in a socially compliant manner? Do you want to analyze human reactions and behaviors in the presence of mobile robots of different morphologies?
The Sony-TAu Realistic Spatial Soundscapes 2023 (STARSS23) dataset contains multichannel recordings of sound scenes in various rooms and environments, together with temporal and spatial annotations of prominent events belonging to a set of target classes. The dataset is collected in two different countries, in Tampere, Finland by the Audio Researh Group (ARG) of Tampere University (TAU), and in Tokyo, Japan by SONY, using a similar setup and annotation procedure. The dataset is delivered in two 4-channel spatial recording formats, a microphone array one (MIC), and first-order Ambisonics one (FOA). These recordings serve as the development dataset for the DCASE 2023 Sound Event Localization and Detection Task of the DCASE 2023 Challenge.
Clothes-Changing Video person re-ID (CCVID) is a dataset constructed from the raw data of a gait recognition dataset, i.e. FVG. The reconstructed CCVID dataset contains 347,833 bounding boxes. The length of each sequence changes from 27 to 410 frames, with an average length of 122. Besides, it also provides fine-grained clothes labels including tops, bottoms, shoes, carrying status, and accessories. For the convenience of evaluation, CCVID re-divides the training and test sets to adapt to clothes-changing re-id. Specifically, 75 identities are reserved for training, and the remaining 151 identities are used for test. In the test set, 834 sequences are used as query set, and the other 1074 sequences form gallery set.
A dataset capturing diverse visual data formats that target varying luminance conditions, and was recorded from alternative vision sensors, by handheld or mounted on a car, repeatedly in the same space but in different conditions.
4D-OR includes a total of 6734 scenes, recorded by six calibrated RGB-D Kinect sensors 1 mounted to the ceiling of the OR, with one frame-per-second, providing synchronized RGB and depth images. We provide fused point cloud sequences of entire scenes, automatically annotated human 6D poses and 3D bounding boxes for OR objects. Furthermore, we provide SSG annotations for each step of the surgery together with the clinical roles of all the humans in the scenes, e.g., nurse, head surgeon, anesthesiologist.
CHAD: Charlotte Anomaly Dataset CHAD is high-resolution, multi-camera dataset for surveillance video anomaly detection. It includes bounding box, Re-ID, and pose annotations, as well as frame-level anomaly labels, dividing all frames into two groups of anomalous or normal. You can find the paper with all the details in the following link: CHAD: Charlotte Anomaly Dataset. Please refer to the page of the dataset for more information.
UBI-Fights - Concerning a specific anomaly detection and still providing a wide diversity in fighting scenarios, the UBI-Fights dataset is a unique new large-scale dataset of 80 hours of video fully annotated at the frame level. Consisting of 1000 videos, where 216 videos contain a fight event, and 784 are normal daily life situations. All unnecessary video segments (e.g., video introductions, news, etc.) that could disturb the learning process were removed.
DurLAR is a high-fidelity 128-channel 3D LiDAR dataset with panoramic ambient (near infrared) and reflectivity imagery for multi-modal autonomous driving applications. Compared to existing autonomous driving task datasets, DurLAR has the following novel features:
We present the HANDAL dataset for category-level object pose estimation and affordance prediction. Unlike previous datasets, ours is focused on robotics-ready manipulable objects that are of the proper size and shape for functional grasping by robot manipulators, such as pliers, utensils, and screwdrivers. Our annotation process is streamlined, requiring only a single off-the-shelf camera and semi-automated processing, allowing us to produce high-quality 3D annotations without crowd-sourcing. The dataset consists of 308k annotated image frames from 2.2k videos of 212 real-world objects in 17 categories. We focus on hardware and kitchen tool objects to facilitate research in practical scenarios in which a robot manipulator needs to interact with the environment beyond simple pushing or indiscriminate grasping. We outline the usefulness of our dataset for 6-DoF category-level pose+scale estimation and related tasks. We also provide 3D reconstructed meshes of all objects, and we outline s
A large-scale multi-modal dataset to facilitate research and studies that concentrate on vision-wireless systems. The Vi-Fi dataset is a large-scale multi-modal dataset that consists of vision, wireless and smartphone motion sensor data of multiple participants and passer-by pedestrians in both indoor and outdoor scenarios. In Vi-Fi, vision modality includes RGB-D video from a mounted camera. Wireless modality comprises smartphone data from participants including WiFi FTM and IMU measurements.
WebLINX is a large-scale benchmark of 100K interactions across 2300 expert demonstrations of conversational web navigation. It covers a broad range of patterns on over 150 real-world websites and can be used to train and evaluate agents in diverse scenarios.
A new dataset with significant occlusions related to object manipulation.
Video sequences from a glasshouse environment in Campus Kleinaltendorf(CKA), University of Bonn, captured by PATHoBot, a glasshouse monitoring robot.
HuPR is a human pose estimation benchmark is created using cross-calibrated mmWave radar sensors and a monocular RGB camera for cross-modality training of radar-based human pose estimation. This dataset contains 235 sequences of data in an indoor environment, with each sequence being one-minute long and totalling about 4 hour-long video data.
This is a dataset for video deinterlacing problem. The dataset contains 28 video sequences. Each sequence's length is 60 frames. Resolution of all video sequences is 1920x1080. TFF interlacing was used to get interlaced data from GT.
Something-Something-100 is a dataset split created from Something-Something V2. A total of 100 classes are selected and each comprises 100 samples. The 100 classes were split into 64, 12, and 24 non-overlapping classes to use as the meta-training set, meta-validation set, and meta-testing set, respectively. Link to exactly selected samples can be found here:
Accurate 3D human pose estimation is essential for sports analytics, coaching, and injury prevention. However, existing datasets for monocular pose estimation do not adequately capture the challenging and dynamic nature of sports movements. In response, we introduce SportsPose, a large-scale 3D human pose dataset consisting of highly dynamic sports movements. With more than 176,000 3D poses from 24 different subjects performing 5 different sports activities, SportsPose provides a diverse and comprehensive set of 3D poses that reflect the complex and dynamic nature of sports movements. Contrary to other markerless datasets we have quantitatively evaluated the precision of SportsPose by comparing our poses with a commercial marker-based system and achieve a mean error of 34.5 mm across all evaluation sequences. This is comparable to the error reported on the commonly used 3DPW dataset. We further introduce a new metric, local movement, which describes the movement of the wrist and ankle
This task offers researchers an opportunity to test their fine-grained classification methods for detecting and recognizing strokes in table tennis videos. (The low inter-class variability makes the task more difficult than with usual general datasets like UCF-101.) The task offers two subtasks:
UESTC-MMEA-CL is a new multi-modal activity dataset for continual egocentric activity recognition, which is proposed to promote future studies on continual learning for first-person activity recognition in wearable applications. Our dataset provides not only vision data with auxiliary inertial sensor data but also comprehensive and complex daily activity categories for the purpose of continual learning research. UESTC-MMEA-CL comprises 30.4 hours of fully synchronized first-person video clips, acceleration stream and gyroscope data in total. There are 32 activity classes in the dataset and each class contains approximately 200 samples. We divide the samples of each class into the training set, validation set and test set according to the ratio of 7:2:1. For the continual learning evaluation, we present three settings of incremental steps, i.e., the 32 classes are divided into {16, 8, 4} incremental steps and each step contains {2, 4, 8} activity classes, respectively.
This dataset presents a vision and perception research dataset collected in Rome, featuring RGB data, 3D point clouds, IMU, and GPS data. We introduce a new benchmark targeting visual odometry and SLAM, to advance the research in autonomous robotics and computer vision. This work complements existing datasets by simultaneously addressing several issues, such as environment diversity, motion patterns, and sensor frequency. It uses up-to-date devices and presents effective procedures to accurately calibrate the intrinsic and extrinsic of the sensors while addressing temporal synchronization. During recording, we cover multi-floor buildings, gardens, urban and highway scenarios. Combining handheld and car-based data collections, our setup can simulate any robot (quadrupeds, quadrotors, autonomous vehicles). The dataset includes an accurate 6-dof ground truth based on a novel methodology that refines the RTK-GPS estimate with LiDAR point clouds through Bundle Adjustment. All sequences divi
The dataset is designed specifically to solve a range of computer vision problems (2D-3D tracking, posture) faced by biologists while designing behavior studies with animals.
3DYoga90 is organized within a three-level label hierarchy. It stands out as one of the most comprehensive open datasets, featuring the largest collection of RGB videos and 3D skeleton sequences among publicly available resources.
CholecT40 is the first endoscopic dataset introduced to enable research on fine-grained action recognition in laparoscopic surgery.
To provide ground truth supervision for video consistency modeling, we build up a high-quality dynamic OLAT dataset. Our capture system consists of a light stage setup with 114 LED light sources and Phantom Flex4K-GS camera (global shutter, stationary 4K ultra-high-speed camera at 1000 fps), resulting in dynamic OLAT imageset recording at 25 fps using the overlapping method. Our dynamic OLAT dataset provides sufficient semantic, temporal and lighting consistency supervision to train our neural video portrait relighting scheme, which can generalize to in-the-wild scenarios.
Fetoscopic Placental Vessel Segmentation and Registration (FetReg2021) challenge was organized as part of the MICCAI2021 Endoscopic Vision (EndoVis) challenge. Through FetReg2021 challenge, we released the first large-scale multi-centre dataset of fetoscopy laser photocoagulation procedure. The dataset contains 2,718 pixel-wise annotated images (for background, vessel, fetus, tool classes) from 24 different in vivo TTTS fetoscopic surgeries and 24 unannotated video clips video clips containing 9,616 frames for training and testing. The dataset is useful for the development of generalized and robust semantic segmentation and video mosaicking algorithms for long duration fetoscopy videos.
A Simulated Benchmark for multi-modal SLAM Systems Evaluation in Large-scale Dynamic Environments.
The Lund University Vision, Radio, and Audio (LuViRA) positioning dataset consists of 89 trajectories that are recorded in the Lund University Humanities Lab's Motion Capture (Mocap) Studio using a MIR200 robot as the targeted platform. Each trajectory contains data from four different systems, vision, radio, audio and a ground truth system that can provide within 0.5mm localization accuracy. A Motion Capture (Mocap) system in the environment is used as the ground truth system, which provides 3D or 6DoF tracking of a camera, a single antenna and a speaker. These targets are mounted on top of the MIR200 robot and put in motion. 3D positions of the 11 static microphones are also provided.
MMToM-QA is the first multimodal benchmark to evaluate machine Theory of Mind (ToM), the ability to understand people's minds. MMToM-QA consists of 600 questions. Each question is paired with a clip of the full activity in a video (as RGB-D frames), as well as a text description of the scene and the actions taken by the person in that clip. All questions have two choices. The questions are categorized into seven types, evaluating belief inference and goal inference in rich and diverse situations. Each belief inference type has 100 questions, totaling 300 belief questions; each goal inference type has 75 questions, totaling 300 goal questions. The questions are paired with 134 videos of a person looking for daily objects in household environments.
To evaluate the presented approaches, we created the Physical Anomalous Trajectory or Motion (PHANTOM) dataset consisting of six classes featuring everyday objects or physical setups, and showing nine different kinds of anomalies. We designed our classes to evaluate detection of various modes of video abnormalities that are generally excluded in video AD settings.
PUMaVOS is a dataset of challenging and practical use cases inspired by the movie production industry.
The Robot House Multi-View dataset (RHM) contains four views: Front, Back, Ceiling, and Robot Views. There are 14 classes with 6701 video clips for each view, making a total of 26804 video clips for the four views. The lengths of the video clips are between 1 to 5 seconds. The videos with the same number and the same classes are synchronized in different views.