Search Results for author: Ben Upcroft

Found 11 papers, 3 papers with code

The Limits and Potentials of Deep Learning for Robotics

no code implementations18 Apr 2018 Niko Sünderhauf, Oliver Brock, Walter Scheirer, Raia Hadsell, Dieter Fox, Jürgen Leitner, Ben Upcroft, Pieter Abbeel, Wolfram Burgard, Michael Milford, Peter Corke

In this paper we discuss a number of robotics-specific learning, reasoning, and embodiment challenges for deep learning.


Multi-Modal Trip Hazard Affordance Detection On Construction Sites

no code implementations21 Jun 2017 Sean McMahon, Niko Sünderhauf, Ben Upcroft, Michael Milford

Trip hazards are a significant contributor to accidents on construction and manufacturing sites, where over a third of Australian workplace injuries occur [1].

Affordance Detection

Peduncle Detection of Sweet Pepper for Autonomous Crop Harvesting - Combined Colour and 3D Information

no code implementations30 Jan 2017 Inkyu Sa, Chris Lehnert, Andrew English, Chris McCool, Feras Dayoub, Ben Upcroft, Tristan Perez

This paper presents a 3D visual detection method for the challenging task of detecting peduncles of sweet peppers (Capsicum annuum) in the field.

Deep Learning Features at Scale for Visual Place Recognition

no code implementations18 Jan 2017 Zetao Chen, Adam Jacobson, Niko Sunderhauf, Ben Upcroft, Lingqiao Liu, Chunhua Shen, Ian Reid, Michael Milford

The success of deep learning techniques in the computer vision domain has triggered a range of initial investigations into their utility for visual place recognition, all using generic features from networks that were trained for other types of recognition tasks.

Deep Learning Visual Place Recognition

Action Recognition: From Static Datasets to Moving Robots

no code implementations18 Jan 2017 Fahimeh Rezazadegan, Sareh Shirazi, Ben Upcroft, Michael Milford

Deep learning models have achieved state-of-the- art performance in recognizing human activities, but often rely on utilizing background cues present in typical computer vision datasets that predominantly have a stationary camera.

Action Recognition Temporal Action Localization

Simple Online and Realtime Tracking

55 code implementations2 Feb 2016 Alex Bewley, ZongYuan Ge, Lionel Ott, Fabio Ramos, Ben Upcroft

This paper explores a pragmatic approach to multiple object tracking where the main focus is to associate objects efficiently for online and realtime applications.

Multi-Object Tracking Multiple Object Tracking

Evaluation of Object Detection Proposals Under Condition Variations

no code implementations10 Dec 2015 Fahimeh Rezazadegan, Sareh Shirazi, Michael Milford, Ben Upcroft

Object detection is a fundamental task in many computer vision applications, therefore the importance of evaluating the quality of object detection is well acknowledged in this domain.

Object object-detection +1

Fine-Grained Classification via Mixture of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

no code implementations30 Nov 2015 ZongYuan Ge, Alex Bewley, Christopher Mccool, Ben Upcroft, Peter Corke, Conrad Sanderson

We present a novel deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) system for fine-grained image classification, called a mixture of DCNNs (MixDCNN).

Classification Fine-Grained Image Classification +1

On the Performance of ConvNet Features for Place Recognition

1 code implementation17 Jan 2015 Niko Sünderhauf, Feras Dayoub, Sareh Shirazi, Ben Upcroft, Michael Milford

Computer vision datasets are very different in character to robotic camera data, real-time performance is essential, and performance priorities can be different.

Visual Navigation

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