Keypoint Detection

150 papers with code • 7 benchmarks • 11 datasets

Keypoint Detection involves simultaneously detecting people and localizing their keypoints. Keypoints are the same thing as interest points. They are spatial locations, or points in the image that define what is interesting or what stand out in the image. They are invariant to image rotation, shrinkage, translation, distortion, and so on.

( Image credit: PifPaf: Composite Fields for Human Pose Estimation; "Learning to surf" by fotologic, license: CC-BY-2.0 )


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Most implemented papers

Neural Outlier Rejection for Self-Supervised Keypoint Learning


By making the sampling of inlier-outlier sets from point-pair correspondences fully differentiable within the keypoint learning framework, we show that are able to simultaneously self-supervise keypoint description and improve keypoint matching.

RelativeNAS: Relative Neural Architecture Search via Slow-Fast Learning

EMI-Group/RelativeNAS 14 Sep 2020

Despite the remarkable successes of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) in computer vision, it is time-consuming and error-prone to manually design a CNN.

One Metric to Measure them All: Localisation Recall Precision (LRP) for Evaluating Visual Detection Tasks

kemaloksuz/LRP-Error 21 Nov 2020

Despite being widely used as a performance measure for visual detection tasks, Average Precision (AP) is limited in (i) reflecting localisation quality, (ii) interpretability and (iii) robustness to the design choices regarding its computation, and its applicability to outputs without confidence scores.

Regressive Domain Adaptation for Unsupervised Keypoint Detection

thuml/Regressive-Domain-Adaptation-for-Unsupervised-Keypoint-Detection CVPR 2021

First, based on our observation that the probability density of the output space is sparse, we introduce a spatial probability distribution to describe this sparsity and then use it to guide the learning of the adversarial regressor.

End-to-End Trainable Multi-Instance Pose Estimation with Transformers

amathislab/poet 22 Mar 2021

Inspired by recent work on end-to-end trainable object detection with transformers, we use a transformer encoder-decoder architecture together with a bipartite matching scheme to directly regress the pose of all individuals in a given image.

Bottom-Up Human Pose Estimation Via Disentangled Keypoint Regression


Our motivation is that regressing keypoint positions accurately needs to learn representations that focus on the keypoint regions.

DexYCB: A Benchmark for Capturing Hand Grasping of Objects

NVlabs/dex-ycb-toolkit CVPR 2021

We introduce DexYCB, a new dataset for capturing hand grasping of objects.

Pose Recognition with Cascade Transformers

mlpc-ucsd/PRTR CVPR 2021

Here we utilize the encoder-decoder structure in Transformers to perform regression-based person and keypoint detection that is general-purpose and requires less heuristic design compared with the existing approaches.

MarkerPose: Robust Real-time Planar Target Tracking for Accurate Stereo Pose Estimation

jhacsonmeza/MarkerPose 2 May 2021

In this work, we propose MarkerPose, a robust, real-time pose estimation system based on a planar target of three circles and a stereo vision system.

ALIKE: Accurate and Lightweight Keypoint Detection and Descriptor Extraction

Shiaoming/ALIKE 6 Dec 2021

The reprojection loss is then proposed to directly optimize these sub-pixel keypoints, and the dispersity peak loss is presented for accurate keypoints regularization.