Search Results for author: Eduardo Pérez-Pellitero

Found 17 papers, 5 papers with code

SCRREAM : SCan, Register, REnder And Map:A Framework for Annotating Accurate and Dense 3D Indoor Scenes with a Benchmark

no code implementations30 Oct 2024 HyunJun Jung, Weihang Li, Shun-Cheng Wu, William Bittner, Nikolas Brasch, Jifei Song, Eduardo Pérez-Pellitero, Zhensong Zhang, Arthur Moreau, Nassir Navab, Benjamin Busam

However, using these datasets to evaluate dense geometry tasks, such as depth rendering, can be problematic as the meshes of the dataset are often incomplete and may produce wrong ground truth to evaluate the details.

6D Pose Estimation

NCRF: Neural Contact Radiance Fields for Free-Viewpoint Rendering of Hand-Object Interaction

no code implementations8 Feb 2024 Zhongqun Zhang, Jifei Song, Eduardo Pérez-Pellitero, Yiren Zhou, Hyung Jin Chang, Aleš Leonardis

Despite remarkable progress that has been achieved in this field, existing methods still fail to synthesize the hand-object interaction photo-realistically, suffering from degraded rendering quality caused by the heavy mutual occlusions between the hand and the object, and inaccurate hand-object pose estimation.

hand-object pose Novel View Synthesis +3

HeadGaS: Real-Time Animatable Head Avatars via 3D Gaussian Splatting

no code implementations5 Dec 2023 Helisa Dhamo, Yinyu Nie, Arthur Moreau, Jifei Song, Richard Shaw, Yiren Zhou, Eduardo Pérez-Pellitero

3D head animation has seen major quality and runtime improvements over the last few years, particularly empowered by the advances in differentiable rendering and neural radiance fields.

Human Gaussian Splatting: Real-time Rendering of Animatable Avatars

1 code implementation CVPR 2024 Arthur Moreau, Jifei Song, Helisa Dhamo, Richard Shaw, Yiren Zhou, Eduardo Pérez-Pellitero

This work addresses the problem of real-time rendering of photorealistic human body avatars learned from multi-view videos.

CLAD: A realistic Continual Learning benchmark for Autonomous Driving

1 code implementation7 Oct 2022 Eli Verwimp, Kuo Yang, Sarah Parisot, Hong Lanqing, Steven McDonagh, Eduardo Pérez-Pellitero, Matthias De Lange, Tinne Tuytelaars

In this paper we describe the design and the ideas motivating a new Continual Learning benchmark for Autonomous Driving (CLAD), that focuses on the problems of object classification and object detection.

Autonomous Driving Continual Learning +4

NTIRE 2022 Challenge on High Dynamic Range Imaging: Methods and Results

no code implementations25 May 2022 Eduardo Pérez-Pellitero, Sibi Catley-Chandar, Richard Shaw, Aleš Leonardis, Radu Timofte, Zexin Zhang, Cen Liu, Yunbo Peng, Yue Lin, Gaocheng Yu, Jin Zhang, Zhe Ma, Hongbin Wang, Xiangyu Chen, Xintao Wang, Haiwei Wu, Lin Liu, Chao Dong, Jiantao Zhou, Qingsen Yan, Song Zhang, Weiye Chen, Yuhang Liu, Zhen Zhang, Yanning Zhang, Javen Qinfeng Shi, Dong Gong, Dan Zhu, Mengdi Sun, Guannan Chen, Yang Hu, Haowei Li, Baozhu Zou, Zhen Liu, Wenjie Lin, Ting Jiang, Chengzhi Jiang, Xinpeng Li, Mingyan Han, Haoqiang Fan, Jian Sun, Shuaicheng Liu, Juan Marín-Vega, Michael Sloth, Peter Schneider-Kamp, Richard Röttger, Chunyang Li, Long Bao, Gang He, Ziyao Xu, Li Xu, Gen Zhan, Ming Sun, Xing Wen, Junlin Li, Shuang Feng, Fei Lei, Rui Liu, Junxiang Ruan, Tianhong Dai, Wei Li, Zhan Lu, Hengyan Liu, Peian Huang, Guangyu Ren, Yonglin Luo, Chang Liu, Qiang Tu, Fangya Li, Ruipeng Gang, Chenghua Li, Jinjing Li, Sai Ma, Chenming Liu, Yizhen Cao, Steven Tel, Barthelemy Heyrman, Dominique Ginhac, Chul Lee, Gahyeon Kim, Seonghyun Park, An Gia Vien, Truong Thanh Nhat Mai, Howoon Yoon, Tu Vo, Alexander Holston, Sheir Zaheer, Chan Y. Park

The challenge is composed of two tracks with an emphasis on fidelity and complexity constraints: In Track 1, participants are asked to optimize objective fidelity scores while imposing a low-complexity constraint (i. e. solutions can not exceed a given number of operations).

Image Restoration Vocal Bursts Intensity Prediction

FlexHDR: Modelling Alignment and Exposure Uncertainties for Flexible HDR Imaging

no code implementations7 Jan 2022 Sibi Catley-Chandar, Thomas Tanay, Lucas Vandroux, Aleš Leonardis, Gregory Slabaugh, Eduardo Pérez-Pellitero

We introduce a strategy that learns to jointly align and assess the alignment and exposure reliability using an HDR-aware, uncertainty-driven attention map that robustly merges the frames into a single high quality HDR image.

Models Alignment

Residual Contrastive Learning: Unsupervised Representation Learning from Residuals

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Nanqing Dong, Matteo Maggioni, Yongxin Yang, Eduardo Pérez-Pellitero, Ales Leonardis, Steven McDonagh

In the era of deep learning, supervised residual learning (ResL) has led to many breakthroughs in low-level vision such as image restoration and enhancement tasks.

Contrastive Learning Image Reconstruction +3

Residual Contrastive Learning for Image Reconstruction: Learning Transferable Representations from Noisy Images

no code implementations18 Jun 2021 Nanqing Dong, Matteo Maggioni, Yongxin Yang, Eduardo Pérez-Pellitero, Ales Leonardis, Steven McDonagh

We propose a new label-efficient learning paradigm based on residuals, residual contrastive learning (RCL), and derive an unsupervised visual representation learning framework, suitable for low-level vision tasks with noisy inputs.

Contrastive Learning Demosaicking +6

NTIRE 2021 Challenge on High Dynamic Range Imaging: Dataset, Methods and Results

1 code implementation2 Jun 2021 Eduardo Pérez-Pellitero, Sibi Catley-Chandar, Aleš Leonardis, Radu Timofte

This paper reviews the first challenge on high-dynamic range (HDR) imaging that was part of the New Trends in Image Restoration and Enhancement (NTIRE) workshop, held in conjunction with CVPR 2021.

HDR Reconstruction Image Restoration

Perceptual Video Super Resolution with Enhanced Temporal Consistency

no code implementations20 Jul 2018 Eduardo Pérez-Pellitero, Mehdi S. M. Sajjadi, Michael Hirsch, Bernhard Schölkopf

Together with a video discriminator, we also propose additional loss functions to further reinforce temporal consistency in the generated sequences.

Image Super-Resolution Video Super-Resolution

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