Facial Expression Recognition (FER)

126 papers with code • 24 benchmarks • 29 datasets

Facial Expression Recognition (FER) is a computer vision task aimed at identifying and categorizing emotional expressions depicted on a human face. The goal is to automate the process of determining emotions in real-time, by analyzing the various features of a face such as eyebrows, eyes, mouth, and other features, and mapping them to a set of emotions such as anger, fear, surprise, sadness and happiness.

( Image credit: DeXpression )


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Most implemented papers

Convolutional Neural Networks for Facial Expression Recognition

mgeezzyy/Facial-Expression-Recognition-2018 22 Apr 2017

We have developed convolutional neural networks (CNN) for a facial expression recognition task.

A Compact Embedding for Facial Expression Similarity

AmirSh15/FECNet CVPR 2019

Most of the existing work on automatic facial expression analysis focuses on discrete emotion recognition, or facial action unit detection.

Increasingly Packing Multiple Facial-Informatics Modules in A Unified Deep-Learning Model via Lifelong Learning

ivclab/PAE Proceedings of the 2019 on International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval 2019

Simultaneously running multiple modules is a key requirement for a smart multimedia system for facial applications including face recognition, facial expression understanding, and gender identification.

Frame attention networks for facial expression recognition in videos

Open-Debin/Emotion-FAN 29 Jun 2019

The feature embedding module is a deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) which embeds face images into feature vectors.

Suppressing Uncertainties for Large-Scale Facial Expression Recognition

kaiwang960112/Self-Cure-Network CVPR 2020

Annotating a qualitative large-scale facial expression dataset is extremely difficult due to the uncertainties caused by ambiguous facial expressions, low-quality facial images, and the subjectiveness of annotators.

Facial Expression Recognition with Deep Learning

amilkh/cs230-fer 8 Apr 2020

One of the most universal ways that people communicate is through facial expressions.

Graph Convolution with Low-rank Learnable Local Filters

ZichenMiao/GNN-with-Low-rank-Learnable-Local-Filters ICLR 2021

Recent deep models using graph convolutions provide an appropriate framework to handle such non-Euclidean data, but many of them, particularly those based on global graph Laplacians, lack expressiveness to capture local features required for representation of signals lying on the non-Euclidean grid.

Affect Expression Behaviour Analysis in the Wild using Spatio-Channel Attention and Complementary Context Information

1980x/ABAW2020DMACS 29 Sep 2020

Facial expression recognition(FER) in the wild is crucial for building reliable human-computer interactive systems.

Pre-training strategies and datasets for facial representation learning

1adrianb/unsupervised-face-representation 30 Mar 2021

Recent work on Deep Learning in the area of face analysis has focused on supervised learning for specific tasks of interest (e. g. face recognition, facial landmark localization etc.)

Facial expression and attributes recognition based on multi-task learning of lightweight neural networks

HSE-asavchenko/face-emotion-recognition 31 Mar 2021

Moreover, it is shown that the usage of our neural network as a feature extractor of facial regions in video frames and concatenation of several statistical functions (mean, max, etc.)