Search Results for author: Alec Jacobson

Found 20 papers, 10 papers with code

NiLBS: Neural Inverse Linear Blend Skinning

no code implementations6 Apr 2020 Timothy Jeruzalski, David I. W. Levin, Alec Jacobson, Paul Lalonde, Mohammad Norouzi, Andrea Tagliasacchi

In this technical report, we investigate efficient representations of articulated objects (e. g. human bodies), which is an important problem in computer vision and graphics.

Complementary Dynamics

no code implementations1 Dec 2020 Jiayi Eris Zhang, Seungbae Bang, David I.W. Levin, Alec Jacobson

Our method does not require a particular type of rig and adds secondary effects to skeletal animations, cage-based deformations, wire deformers, motion capture data, and rigid-body simulations.

Learning Smooth Neural Functions via Lipschitz Regularization

no code implementations16 Feb 2022 Hsueh-Ti Derek Liu, Francis Williams, Alec Jacobson, Sanja Fidler, Or Litany

The latent descriptor of a neural field acts as a deformation handle for the 3D shape it represents.

VectorAdam for Rotation Equivariant Geometry Optimization

no code implementations26 May 2022 Selena Ling, Nicholas Sharp, Alec Jacobson

We demonstrate this approach on problems in machine learning and traditional geometric optimization, showing that equivariant VectorAdam resolves the artifacts and biases of traditional Adam when applied to vector-valued data, with equivalent or even improved rates of convergence.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

Neural Shape Mating: Self-Supervised Object Assembly with Adversarial Shape Priors

no code implementations CVPR 2022 Yun-Chun Chen, Haoda Li, Dylan Turpin, Alec Jacobson, Animesh Garg

While the majority of existing part assembly methods focus on correctly posing semantic parts to recreate a whole object, we interpret assembly more literally: as mating geometric parts together to achieve a snug fit.

Object Point Cloud Registration

Neural Progressive Meshes

no code implementations10 Aug 2023 Yun-Chun Chen, Vladimir G. Kim, Noam Aigerman, Alec Jacobson

The recent proliferation of 3D content that can be consumed on hand-held devices necessitates efficient tools for transmitting large geometric data, e. g., 3D meshes, over the Internet.

Neural Stochastic Screened Poisson Reconstruction

no code implementations21 Sep 2023 Silvia Sellán, Alec Jacobson

Reconstructing a surface from a point cloud is an underdetermined problem.


VecFusion: Vector Font Generation with Diffusion

no code implementations16 Dec 2023 Vikas Thamizharasan, Difan Liu, Shantanu Agarwal, Matthew Fisher, Michael Gharbi, Oliver Wang, Alec Jacobson, Evangelos Kalogerakis

We present VecFusion, a new neural architecture that can generate vector fonts with varying topological structures and precise control point positions.

Font Generation Vector Graphics

Compact Neural Graphics Primitives with Learned Hash Probing

no code implementations28 Dec 2023 Towaki Takikawa, Thomas Müller, Merlin Nimier-David, Alex Evans, Sanja Fidler, Alec Jacobson, Alexander Keller

Neural graphics primitives are faster and achieve higher quality when their neural networks are augmented by spatial data structures that hold trainable features arranged in a grid.


On the Effectiveness of Weight-Encoded Neural Implicit 3D Shapes

3 code implementations17 Sep 2020 Thomas Davies, Derek Nowrouzezahrai, Alec Jacobson

Many prior works have focused on _latent-encoded_ neural implicits, where a latent vector encoding of a specific shape is also fed as input.

3D Shape Representation

Bayes' Rays: Uncertainty Quantification for Neural Radiance Fields

1 code implementation6 Sep 2023 Lily Goli, Cody Reading, Silvia Sellán, Alec Jacobson, Andrea Tagliasacchi

Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) have shown promise in applications like view synthesis and depth estimation, but learning from multiview images faces inherent uncertainties.

Depth Estimation Uncertainty Quantification

Neural Subdivision

2 code implementations4 May 2020 Hsueh-Ti Derek Liu, Vladimir G. Kim, Siddhartha Chaudhuri, Noam Aigerman, Alec Jacobson

During inference, our method takes a coarse triangle mesh as input and recursively subdivides it to a finer geometry by applying the fixed topological updates of Loop Subdivision, but predicting vertex positions using a neural network conditioned on the local geometry of a patch.

Data-Free Learning of Reduced-Order Kinematics

1 code implementation5 May 2023 Nicholas Sharp, Cristian Romero, Alec Jacobson, Etienne Vouga, Paul G. Kry, David I. W. Levin, Justin Solomon

Physical systems ranging from elastic bodies to kinematic linkages are defined on high-dimensional configuration spaces, yet their typical low-energy configurations are concentrated on much lower-dimensional subspaces.

Learning Deformable Tetrahedral Meshes for 3D Reconstruction

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2020 Jun Gao, Wenzheng Chen, Tommy Xiang, Clement Fuji Tsang, Alec Jacobson, Morgan McGuire, Sanja Fidler

We introduce Deformable Tetrahedral Meshes (DefTet) as a particular parameterization that utilizes volumetric tetrahedral meshes for the reconstruction problem.

3D Reconstruction

Spelunking the Deep: Guaranteed Queries on General Neural Implicit Surfaces via Range Analysis

1 code implementation5 Feb 2022 Nicholas Sharp, Alec Jacobson

Neural implicit representations, which encode a surface as the level set of a neural network applied to spatial coordinates, have proven to be remarkably effective for optimizing, compressing, and generating 3D geometry.

Inverse Rendering

Variable Bitrate Neural Fields

1 code implementation15 Jun 2022 Towaki Takikawa, Alex Evans, Jonathan Tremblay, Thomas Müller, Morgan McGuire, Alec Jacobson, Sanja Fidler

Neural approximations of scalar and vector fields, such as signed distance functions and radiance fields, have emerged as accurate, high-quality representations.

Learning to Predict 3D Objects with an Interpolation-based Differentiable Renderer

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2019 Wenzheng Chen, Jun Gao, Huan Ling, Edward J. Smith, Jaakko Lehtinen, Alec Jacobson, Sanja Fidler

Many machine learning models operate on images, but ignore the fact that images are 2D projections formed by 3D geometry interacting with light, in a process called rendering.

Single-View 3D Reconstruction

Neural Geometric Level of Detail: Real-time Rendering with Implicit 3D Shapes

2 code implementations CVPR 2021 Towaki Takikawa, Joey Litalien, Kangxue Yin, Karsten Kreis, Charles Loop, Derek Nowrouzezahrai, Alec Jacobson, Morgan McGuire, Sanja Fidler

We introduce an efficient neural representation that, for the first time, enables real-time rendering of high-fidelity neural SDFs, while achieving state-of-the-art geometry reconstruction quality.

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